World cup- Soccer and the Islamic perspective





World Cup = “Waste Closet” & Waste Catastrophe

The toilet is generally not a topic for discussion, but it can serve as an apt analogy at times, and
we can even draw lessons from it. …Looking at how our lives are spent in sins, heedlessness
and waste, we take some lessons.

The toilet has different names: latrine, lavatory, wash room, rest room and water closet – which
certain English speaking people refer to as W.C.!

Presently there is a different W.C. – which, as we know, is the World Cup being hosted in Brazil.
Millions and millions of people, including a large percentage of Muslims, have thrown
themselves headlong into the curse and Fitnah of the World Cup.

And it is, most definitely a curse, bringing with it, multiple Fitnahs and compounded sin: There
is wastage and extravagance; there is alcohol, gambling, music and immoral behaviour
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1. For the nafl fast it is permissible to specify the intention by saying: “I am keeping a nafl fast”, or to merely say: “I am keeping a fast”. Both are correct.

2. It is permissible to make the intention for a nafl fast until an hour before mid-day. If, for example, until 10am a person did not have the intention of fasting and had not consumed any food or drink until then and thereafter he decided to fast and kept the fast; this fast will also be valid.

3. Apart from the month of Ramadaan, a person may keep nafl fasts whenever he wishes. The more he fasts, the greater the reward. However, it is not permissible to fast on the days of eid ul-fitr, eid ul-ad’haa, and the 11th, 12th, and 13th of Zil Hijjah. In the entire year, it is haraam to fast on these five days only. Apart from these days, it is permissible to fast on all other days.

4. If a person takes an oath that he will fast on the day of Eid, the fast of that day will still not be permissible. In place of that day, he should keep it on some other day.

5. If a person takes an oath that he will fast for the entire year and that he will not leave out a single day, even then he cannot fast on these five days. He should fast on the remainder of the days and thereafter keep qada of these five days.

6. By making the intention of keeping a nafl fast, this nafl fast becomes wajib on the person. If a person makes an intention before subah saadiq that he is going to fast today and later (after subah saadiq) breaks this fast, it will be wajib on him to make qada of this fast.

7. A person made an intention at night that he will fast the following day. However, prior to subah saadiq he changed his intention and did not fast. Qada will not be wajib.

8. It is not permissible to keep a nafl fast without the permission of the husband. If the wife fasts without her husband’s permission and he orders her to break it, it will be permissible for her to break it. When he permits her, she must make qada of that fast.

9. A guest went to a person’s house, or, a person was invited to a meal somewhere. If the person who was invited feels that by his not partaking of the meal, his host will feel insulted or feel ill at heart, it will be permissible to break the nafl fast. It is also permissible for the host to break his nafl fast on account of the guest.

10. A person made the intention of fasting on Eid day and also kept the fast. Even then he should break his fast and qada will not be wajib on him.

11. It is mustahab to fast on the 10th of Muharram. It is mentioned in a Hadith that the one who fasts on this day will have his sins of the past year forgiven. (In addition to this, it is also mustahab to fast on the 9th or 11th. It is makruh to fast on the 10th alone.)

12. Similarly, there is also a great reward in fasting on the 9th of Zil Hijjah. By fasting on this day, the sins for the past year and the following year are forgiven. If a person fasts from the 1st till the 9th of Zil Hijjah, the rewards will be increased manifold.

13. Fasting on the 15th of Sha’baan and the six days after eid ul-fitr is more virtuous than keeping other nafl fasts.

14. If a person fasts on the 13th, 14th and 15th of every month, it is as if he has fasted for the entire year. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to fast on these days. He also used to fast on Mondays and Thursdays. If a person tries to fast on these days, he will also be greatly rewarded.

Civil society outraged at CII’s pronouncements- after Ulema speak the Truth

LAHORE: Civil society networks, human rights activists, NGOs, students and academicians have expressed total outrage at the “barbaric, medieval, cruel, misogynist and inhuman mindset” demonstrated by the “shocking” pronouncements emanating from the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) Chairman.
We strongly condemn and outright reject him and both his statements against women and girls, regarding polygamy conditionality and early marriage criteria.  We, and almost all Pakistanis, do not take either his words or the CII seriously.  But, unfortunately, the Parliament does, as the CII has Constitutional protection, although its pronouncements can serve ONLY as advice and recommendations to the legislators.
We are not conspiracy theorists, but we are forced to wonder why such deliberately anti-women/girls advice comes NOW, 53 years after the MFLO/1961 was promulgated, at this critical juncture of the Government’s “talks/dialogue” (sic) with the Taliban and Jihadis.  Does the Government wish to further appease and placate the bloodthirsty killers of 60,000 Pakistanis with further “Islamization” and “Shariatization” (sic) measures?  If so, why does all so-called “Islamization” begin and end ONLY with a violation of Pakistani women’s and girls’ fundamental human rights, enshrined in the unanimously endorsed Constitution, and even before that, inherent in our humanity?
We have more than sufficient Islamic/Quranic and Constitutional arguments and evidence to strongly back our position, both against polygamy and early marriage; but since the Women’s Action Forum (WAF)’s case is still sub judice in the Shariat Appellate Bench of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, we choose to withhold our comments and respect the law.  However, the CII Chair deliberately makes these inflammatory statements in flagrant contempt of court.  We respectfully request the Honourable CJP to take urgent suo moto notice of this contempt of the Honourable SCP. We demand of the Government of Pakistan:
1.    An urgent Constitutional Amendment (CA) by a Joint Sitting of Parliament, to abolish the CII altogether.
2.    Meanwhile, awaiting the CA, Maulvi Sherani must immediately be removed from his post as CII Chairperson, and an educated, enlightened, progressive, moderate, real Islamic scholar who lives in the 21st Century, and who does not hate women and girls, must be appointed to replace him, such as his predecessor.
3.    Similarly, the CII’s retrogressive members must immediately be replaced by progressives, including 50% women scholars, judges and lawyers; as well as 5% non-Muslim citizens of Pakistan, who are impacted by the CII’s advice.
4.    Similarly, all the CII’s meetings must henceforth be made transparent and open to public and media participation; and all CII documents must be laid before the public for debate, comments and suggestions, before being sent as advice to the Parliament.
5.    All the institutional pillars of the State of Pakistan must jointly decide NOW, whether or not Pakistan wishes to become an obscurantist, pariah Taliban state, or to remain a member of the United Nations and the international community; thereby, continuing to be bound to comply with and adhere to its ratified Conventions (e.g. CEDAW, CRC); on pain of international sanctions and punitive actions if, as a State Party, Pakistan’s laws are in violation or non-compliance.
The ill-intentioned, uneducated, ignorant, misogynist, Maulvi Sherani MUST go NOW.  The PML(N) Government and its allies must NOW put their money where their mouth is, and walk the talk of their brave election manifesto promises and Women’s Day commitments.

Prohibiting marriage below 18 is unislamic

ISLAMABAD- The Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) ruled today that Pakistani laws prohibiting marriage of underage children are un-Islamic. At the end of its two-day session today, the CII said there is no minimum age of marriage according to Islam.

“Islam does not forbid marriage of young children,” the council said. “However, the consummation of marriage is only allowed when both husband and wife have reached puberty.”

The CII’s ruling comes a day after its chairman Maulana Mohammad Khan Sheerani said laws regarding second marriage of a man in the presence of a first wife were against religious principles. “Sharia allows men to have more than one wife and we demanded that the government should amend the law,” he told reporters after a CII meeting.

Pakistani law requires a man to have written approval from his existing wife or wives for another marriage. Sheerani urged the government to formulate Sharia-compliant laws related to marriage, divorce, adulthood and ‘will’. According to the Constitution of Pakistan, the CII is a recommendatory body that advises the parliament in the law-making process, but cannot enact laws on its own.

Donating one’s organs


Q: Is it permissible to donate organs of one’s body?

A: Our bodies are an amaanat from the side of Allah Ta’aala. We are not permitted to deal in them freely as we wish. Instead, we are commanded to deal in them as Allah Ta’aala has commanded us. Shariat does not allow organ transplants. Hence, it is impermissible for one to donate his organs. However, it is permissible to use the organs of animals provided it is not the organs of a swine.

And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

ولا بأس بالتداوي بالعظم إذا كان عظم شاة أو بقرة أو بعير أو فرس أو غيره من الدواب إلا عظم الخنزير والآدمي فإنه يكره التداوي بهما فقد جوز التداوي بعظم ما سوى الخنزير والآدمي من الحيوانات مطلقا من غير فصل بينما إذا كان الحيوان ذكيا أو ميتا وبينما إذا كان العظم رطبا أو يابسا وما ذكر من الجواب يجري على إطلاقه إذا كان الحيوان ذكيا لأن عظمه طاهر رطبا كان أو يابسا يجوز الانتفاع به جميع أنواع الانتفاعات رطبا كان أو يابسا فيجوز التداوي به على كل حال وأما إذا كان الحيوان ميتا فإنما يجوز الانتفاع بعظمه إذا كان يابسا ولا يجوز الانتفاع إذا كان رطبا وأما عظم الكلب فيجوز التداوي به هكذا قال مشايخنا وقال الحسن بن زياد لا يجوز التداوي به كذا في الذخيرة الانتفاع بأجزاء الآدمي لم يجز قيل للنجاسة وقيل للكرامة هو الصحيح كذا في جواهر الأخلاطي (الفتاوى الهندية 5/354)

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)


Cancel your Waste

Amid all the heart-rending suffering of Muslims all over the world, it is Waajib to cancel all your wasteful expenditures.
Merrymaking functions, madrasah jalsahs, khaanqah jalsahs and wedding functions are not permissible.

The impermissibility is emphasized by the suffering of the Fuqara and
Another extremely wasteful merrymaking excursion is the craze of ‘nafl’ Umrah. Muslims are squandering millions annually in this nafsaani tour whilst labouring in selfdeception by portraying their holiday in the hues of ibaadat.
Besides the waste of huge amounts of money, a range of other sins are committed from the moment of departure from home until the day of return.
Shaitaan has succeeded in ensnaring numerous Muslims with the trap of ‘nafl umrah’.
No one is prepared to reflect to ascertain his/her true motive for undertaking the umrah trip.
Once a man came to Hadhrat Bishr Haafi (rahmatullah alayh) seeking advice on his plan for Hajj.

He said that he had saved up 200 dinars (gold coins) for the Nafl Haj trip.
Hadhrat Bishr asked: “Do you intend to go for a tour or to gain thawaab?”

The man replied that he was in pursuit of thawaab.
Hadhrat Bishr Haafi (rahmatullah alayh) then advised him: Distribute the 200
dinar to ten orphans or ten Faqeers or give it to ten families who find it difficult to
make ends meet. I then assure you of gaining the thawaab of a hundred Hajj.”

Dissatisfied with this naseehat, the man insisted that he had a great yearning for Hajj, and that his heart was set on it.

Hadhrat Bishr said: “It is now clear to me that the source of your income is not lawful. As long as you do not squander the 200 dinars unlawfully, you will not derive pleasure.”
This is the condition of almost everyone who goes today for Umrah.

The objective is never thawaab. It is only to placate and satisfy the desires of the base nafs.

If the intention is thawaab, then obviously the desire will be for greater thawaab obtainable quicker, without difficulty and by spending less, and in a way which does not constrain commission of sins as travelling in this immoral age does.
Performing Ishraaq Salaat isthe equivalent of one Hajj and Umrah.

Satisfying the needs of the suffering servants of Allah has the value of hundreds of Hajj and Umrah.

Looking once with affection towards parents is equal to a Hajj.

Now why would an intelligent Muslim squander R20,000 for a Nafl Umrah and R100,000 for a Nafl Hajj, when he is able to acquire substantially more thawaab sitting in comfort at home and spending substantially less? Undoubtedly, there is a shaitaan lurking in the heart which adorns for man his nafsaani logic and bestial emotions.

The status of those Ulama who go for these pleasure trips with public funds is worse.

They subsist on carrion. Lillah and converted Zakaat funds or ‘gifts’ by wealthy donors have made these Umrah trips fashionable.

Nowadays some Maulanas undertake such wasteful umrah trips twice and thrice

There is no longer khauf (fear) for Allah Ta’ala in the hearts, hence the scholars
have a formidable armoury of interpretation for justifying the waste they indulge in for satisfying their bestial nafs.

In this age we are seeing one of the signs of Qiyaamah about which the Hadith says: “The dunya will be pursued with the amal of the Aakhirah.”

The Ulama are particularly the manifestation of this prediction.

Keeping the names of angels

Q: Can you please enlighten me on the use of the name Mikaeel. Are we allowed to name our children after angels and if we are, can they be named as just Mikaeel or does it have to be accompanied by a forename such as Muhammad, i.e. Muhammad Mikaeel?

A: Keeping the names of the angels (e.g. Jibraeel, Mikaaeel etc.) is makrooh. It is best that one keeps the names of the Ambiyaa and Sahaabah.

And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

قال لى احمد بن الحارث حدثنا أبو قتادة السامى: ليس بالحرانى، مات سنة اربع وستين ومائه، قال ح عبد الله بن جراد قال: صحبني رجل من مؤتة فأتى النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام وأنا معه فقال: يارسول الله ! ولد لى مولود فما اخير الاسماء ؟ قال: ان خير اسمائكم الحارث وهمام ونعم الاسم عبد الله وعبد الرحمن وسموا بأسماء الانبياء ولا تسموا بأسماء الملائكة، قال: وباسمك ؟ قال: وباسمى ولا تكنوا بكنيتي، في اسناده نظر. (التاريخ الكبير للبخاري 5/35)

وكره مالك التسمية بأسماء الملائكة كجبريل (إرشاد الساري #6189)

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)



Covering the face in ihraam for females

Q: Is it permissible for a female in ihraam to cover her face to make purdah for a short duration e.g. twenty minutes while boarding the plane. What happens if she does so, does she have to pay damm?


A: A woman in Ihraam should cover her face with a cap purda (which is suspended and does not touch the face) so that she is not seen by strange men. It is impermissible for a women in the state of Ihraam to cover her face with a cloth, etc. in such a manner that the cloth touches the face. If she covered her face for twenty minutes, she should give some sadaqah as compensation.

And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

( يتقي الرفث ) …. ( وقلم الظفر وستر الوجه ) كله أو بعضه كفمه وذقنه نعم في الخانية لا بأس بوضع يده على أنفه… قال الشامى: قوله ( كله أو بعضه ) لكن في تغطية كل الوجه أو الرأس يوما أو ليلة دم الربع منهما كالكل وفي الأقل من يوم أو من الربع صدقة كما في اللباب وأطلقه فشمل المرأة لما في البحر عن غاية البيان من أنها لا تغطي وجهها إجماعا اه أي وإنما تستر وجهها عن الأجانب بإسدال شيء متجاف لا يمس الوجه كما سيأتي آخر هذا الباب وأما في شرح الهداية لابن الكمال من أنها لها ستره بملحفة وخمار وإنما المنهي عنه ستره بشيء فصل على قدره كالنقاب والبرقع فهو بحث عجيب أو نقل غريب مخالف لما سمعته من الإجماع ولما في البحر وغيره في آخر هذا الباب (شامى ج 2 ص 488)

و حيثما أطلق الصدقة ​في جناية الإحرام فهي نصف صاع من بر أو صاع من غيره إلا في جزاء اللبس و الطيب و الحلق و قلم الأظفار إذا فعل شيئا منها كاملا بعذر فهي ثلاثة أصوع طعام أو ستة من غيره و الا في جزاء اللبس اقل من ساعة و جزاء الثلاث و ما دونها من الشعر و الجراد و القمل ففيها تصدق بما شاء و لو يسيرا و الا في قتل المحرم صيدا فهي فيه قدر القيمة (لباب و غيره)… و كل صدقة تجب في الطواف فهي لكل شوط نصف صاع أو في الرمي فلكل حصاة صدقة…(لباب) –(غنية الناسك ص240)

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)




27 Rajab 1434 – 7 June 2013




The following is an article by Mufti Abdullah Patel of Gloucester, United Kingdom:



Assalamu ‘Alaykum, I do not eat at McDonalds, KFC, Burger King etc in the UK. When I went for Hajj this year I saw these outlets in Makkah and Madina. What do you advice about eating at these places in the Holy cities. I look forward to your reply. Jazakallah. Wassalam.

Answer by Mufti Abdullah at Foodguide Services Bismihi Subhanahu Wa-ta’ala

Assalamu ‘Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Respected Brother / Sister,

It is known for sure that Saudi Arabia imports frozen meat. It is not possible to know for sure that Halal labelled packaging are indeed bona fide, hence it is not advisable to rely on these alone. If you see the links at the bottom, you can see how careless suppliers can be with regards to Halal. Certainly, there should be close Muslim supervision from beginning to end, to ensure critical jurisprudential rules are applied. We can be sure then that Halal reaches the Muslims as Halal. Clearly if the meat is not scrutinised from a-z by Muslims then the meat cannot be trustworthy, especially if they are from non-Muslim countries.


We are reliably informed that chicken in the Holy lands is obtained and slaughtered locally as well as imported. The local chicken is Halal and can be identified by the ‘al-Watania’ packaging. Imported chicken meat comes from a myriad of countries. It is very difficult to ascertain whether chickens imported into Saudi Arabia are slaughtered according to Shar’iah, thus such meat would be termed Mashkook (doubtful) – caution demands abstinence.


From Muhammad Sarneeullah’s – The Meat: Lawful and Unlawful in Islam – Siddiqi Trust:

“It may be pertinent to mention here that at present, Argentina and Brazil, etc. are exporting a lot frozen meat to Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia. This meat is not lawful for the Muslims as the animals are not slaughtered according to the way prescribed by the Shari’ah. The exporting firms very deceitfully put the Halal mark on their products while in reality they are not Halal. There are no Muslim butchers or supervisors attached to these firms and as such their statement cannot be relied upon. It is very important that the Islamic Organizations should probe into the matter urgently to ensure that the Muslim masses in Arab countries are not fed on this type of meat as, according to a Hadith of Rasululah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, the prayers of a person nourished on unlawful food are not heard or accepted. This is a grave issue and should be taken in right earnestness by Muslim governments.

The summary of this somewhat heated discussion and probing is as follows:

No food of the “People of the Book” is lawful for a Muslim except that which is lawful for the “People of the Book” themselves, according to the directions of their Scriptures and their Prophets. And consequently, when the “People of the Book” prepare an animal for food, it would not be lawful for a Muslim, unless they had slaughtered it according to the directions in their Scripture.

Halal meat is available in many western countries through the efforts of dedicated Islamic workers and it is easy for anyone keen on getting it to be able to procure it. And now that the correct Islamic decision on the matter is made known, there would be no excuse for any Muslim to eat unlawful meat. And it should be known that the body, which is nourished on unlawful food, will be consigned to Hell as mentioned in the Hadith.”

To conclude, Muslims are obliged by the Shariah to eat only Halal and Tayyib foods and hence must be most circumspect when eating in the bialy Lands, Tayyib food refers to food that is Halal beyond doubt.

Some advice tendered

Ensure that the Hajj or Umrah group you select procure meat which is not imported. Don’t eat at restaurants and takeaways before asking someone who is ‘in the know’ where you can buy Halal with certitude.

Interesting Reading

What Muslim Countries Are Eating?

The Meat: Lawful and Unlawful in Islam

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best, Allah alone is the Inspirer of Truth. Allah reward you for using the Foodguide Service. Allah give us tawfiq to eat Halal all the time.

Was-Salamu ‘Alaykum Foodguide Services

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CAUTION!!! By Abu Umar.

Thousands of Muslims travel from all over the world to the holiest of holy cities Makkah and Madinah, little suspecting that they could be deceived into eating haram in a place like this.

Have you ever wondered where all the meat that is being consumed in these holy places is coming from? or is it okay to consume whatever is in front of you just because you are in Makkah or Madinah, and upon investigation it has been revealed that a lot of this meat is coming from places like Brazil, Holland, France, etc, where no one really knows if there are Halal certification processes in place, and if there are, then what kind of certification processes are they? Do they allow stunning? Do they allow mechanical slaughter? Are the animals being slaughtered by Muslims at all? Is the name of Allah being read at the time of slaughter? One prominent Alim states his own personal experience and says:

“I approached a particular hotel and asked about their meat, at first the response was dismissive, but after persistence they reluctantly let me have a look at the package boxes, it was clearly written in English; Import from Brazil ‘HALAL’ in big writing and just underneath it in smaller writing, was written ‘some of the meat may be doubtful’ ”.

We are all aware that tide virtues of praying Salah with Jama’at in an ordinary Masjid in the month of Ramdhaan is seventy fold compared to praying Salah at home, furthermore if a person travels to Haramain in the holy month of Ramdhaan his reward for praying Salah with Jama’at in Masjid al Haram will be 100,000 fold and in Masjid An Nabawi 50,000 fold, as is the case for every other form of Ibaadat, ie Dhikr, Tawaf, Tilaawah, etc.

In order to benefit from these vast rewards and spiritually cleanse ourselves we take out time and money to travel there, yet all this could become meaningless if even one morsel of Haram is consumed knowingly or unknowingly, because forty days of Ibaadat (worship) will instantly become nullified, not to retention the fact that all our duaas will also be rejected.

My dear respected brothers and sisters in Islam, please remember that we are living in an age of commercialism and to get caught up in this trap is very easy, be careful of what you eat, especially in a place like the Haramain. Abu Umar

Saalafism-The Kufr and Shirk of Ibn Tamiyyah




Among the vilest of Ibn Taimiyyah’s beliefs is his hypothesis  of the universe being eternal. By eternity is meant existing independently without having been created. It is a never-ending existence. It has neither a beginning nor an ending. The eternity of the universe is the belief of the Greek philosophers. When Ibn Taimiyyah dabbled with philosophy he lost the path of Islam. He deviated into the  kufr of the Greek philosophers. Their ‘rational’ arguments exercised a profound impact on him. He thus conjectured the belief: hawaaditu la awwala laha, that is, temporal things (things which come into existence from non-existence) have no beginning since they are always preceded by another temporal entity ad infinitum. 

   Although the coprocreep Salafis of our age are desperately labouring to clear Ibn Taimiyyah of this kufr, they fail miserably in the task for the simple reason that in at least seven of his books, Ibn Taimiyyah has explicitly propounded his theory of the eternity of the universe. Ibn Taimiyyah’s theory of kufr has attained the rank of Tawaatur  in Ulama circles. The belated attempts to exonerate Ibn Taimiyyah from his kufr belief must be dismissed with contempt. The evidence to confirm his belief is overwhelming. Al-Baani, the devoted muqallid of Ibn Taimiyyah is the seal  of confirmation. No one can honestly deny the attribution of the kufr concept to Ibn Taimiyyah, when Al-Baani himself conforms it.

We are not the first to refute this kufr of Ibn Taimiyah. Great Ulama of the past have thoroughly debunked the kufr and shirk which Ibn Taimiyyah had promoted with his satanic  hypothesis of the universe  being eternal in species. The coprocreep Salafis stupidly  and monotonously  moan that the great Ulama of the past did not understand the statements of  Ibn Taimiyyah. These stupid coprocreeps labour under the misapprehension that everyone shares in their stupidity. Their contention is ludicrous. They are capable of fabricating  statements of exoneration which they will attribute to Ibn Taimiyyah, but they will not be able to deny what Ibn Taimiyyah propounded in his seven kutub which are published and available. That Ibn Taimiyyah had in fact propounded the theory of the eternity of the universe, is undeniable. The denial of the Salafis is of no consequence and is dismissed with contempt.

This short treatise is based on  the Refutation of Ibn Taimiyyah’s kufr beliefs authored by Shaikh Abdullah Al-Harari. Extracts from his kitaab, Al-Maqaalaatus Sunniyyah fi Kashfi Dhalaali Ahmad Bin Taimiyyah, are presented in paraphrased  form for better comprehension of an English-reading public.

Mujlisul Ulama of S.A.

Jamaadil Ula 1434

March 2013

Vaccination- Devils Medicine


_BookletEReadVaccination Devils Medicine BookletERead (1)


The evil morons of this Ummah-the matric girls of 2012

Whilst Nabi Salallaahu alahi  wasallam instructed the women to stay within the confines of their homes, girls of this Zamaanah (time) passed their matric exams like flying devils.

To put  the salt on the open wounds, they were interviewed, congratulated and encouraged to study further by the evil Devil Radios.

Principals of various schools were interviewed and congratulated. Girls’ names were mentioned who done exceptionally well.

All of this was done under the sacred name of Islaam. It should be well known to one and  all, girls who passed with Haraam distinctions, have actually passed their test which will allow them to proceed into the bowels of Jahannam.

They have in actual fact gained distinctions in their abode viz. Jahannam.

Every girl who passed is doomed for a terrible reckoning in The Hereafter.

Every girl who did well, did Shaitaan proud. Every girl who got a distinction, be it a ‘g’, degraded the value of Islaam and is permanently under the La’nat (curse) of Allah, His angels and every Nabi.
Shame on the girls who passed.

Theyhave actually failed their test in Hayaa’ (shame). They have failed their test in ‘Ittibaa-e-Nabi (obeying Nabi Salallaahu alahi wasallam), for the Hadith
clearly instructs women to be indoors.

They have failed in ‘Ittibaa-e-Quraan
(following the Quraan), for the Quraan directly instructs the wives of Nabi
Salallaahu alahi wasallam to stay indoors.

Who and what are todays’ women?
Better than the wives of Nabi Salallaahu alahi wasallam?

Don’t they deserve a severer instruction to stay in their homes?
Shame on every girl who passed her matric.

She has actually disrespected Allah and His messenger. She is under the La’nat of Allah and His messenger.

That girl who will further her studies, is guarding her abode in the deeper end of Jahannam.

She is demolishing the shame, respect and character of every Muslim women on the surface of earth.

She will be an ambassador in the demolishing of the Hayaa’ of every Muslimah.

She is disobeying her Rabb-Allah, His messenger and every Nabi.
She is doomed for Jahannam. She is not fit to be called a Muslim women.

She is imitating the Kuffaar Na-Paak women by gaining fruitless distinctions. She is sinful.

She is a Faasiqah and a Faajirah.

And she is a moron, dumb stupid and silly.
Shame on you, O Muslimah, for demolishing the branch of Hayaa’.

Shame on you, O Muslimah, for uprooting the tree of Purdah.

Shame on you, O Muslimah, for causing Islaam to be degraded.
Purdah and Hayaa’, the solid stems of Islaam, were violated in her quest for a stupid matric distinction.

In school, Purdah is an alien friend who is folded and packed away.

In school, Hayaa’ too, is an alien friend, who is not befriended. How can she have Taqwa?

 How can she serve Islaam? How can she do Deen Khidmat?

 No, never will Allah use such a Faasiqah to lead Islaam!

It should be well known, that it is Haraam for Muslim girls who passed their moronic matric year, to hand themselves over to the land of Zina-university.

No Muslim girl, whose Imaan is healthy, will ever be found in a university where every type of sin is apparent.

Those Muslimahs who are found there, their Imaan is very weak and
about to be destroyed.

Know well, O Muslimah, you are supposed to be in your home.

Not be a prostitute and allow yourself to mingle and rub shoulders with every Tom, Dick and Harry.

You not supposed to be braggart for passing your matric.

You supposed to be remorseful, for every young male, Muslim or Kaafir, will view your Purdah demanding name.

Every Muslimah who received a stupid “A”, actually received an “A” for Jahannam. She passed her Jahnnam test and will enter it when she reaches there. She will be dwelling in the fierce,blazing hot fire of Jahannam.

Her “A” will serve absolutely NO purpose to her.

 Her stupid-Jahannam deserving “A” or several distinctions-will be of NO help to her on The Day of Justice.

Nay, Allah will never ask you, O Sister, how many Haraam distinctions you receiver, Allah will ask you how much of His Deen did you strive for to learn.

But Islamic knowledge, unfortunately, is frowned upon. Islamic knowledge is put in the back pocket.

Islamic knowledge, which is the knowledge of the best books on the surface of this earth, the Quraan, is looked down at. It is a backward knowledge.

A Darul-Uloom is not worth to be enrolled in. you will suffer getting a job.

You will suffer in getting wealth. You won’t become wealthy. You won’t see

Never, Wallaah, O Readers,

 ‘lmud-Deen (Islamic knowledge) is ‘Ilmul-Nabi (Nabi’s knowledge).

It is a Moulana that is looked for when you, O Our sister, was born.

It was a Moulana that recited the Azaan in you right ear, O Our sister.

It was a Moulana who recited the Takbeer in you left ear, O Our sister.

It was a Moulana who was asked as to the meaning of your name, O our sister.

It was a Moulana (perhaps) who suggested the best possible name for you, O Our sister.

It will be a Moulana who will be called to perform your Nikaah, O Our sister.

It will be a Moulana who will guide you in your married life, O Our sister.

It will be a Moulana who will advise you with your marital issues, O our sister.

It will be a Moulana who will be asked to make a Ta’weez when you are expecting.

 O Muslim sister, it will be a Moulana  who will play the role of a ‘judge’ between you and your husband when is a dispute, O Our sister.

It will be a Moulana to whom you and your husband will go for Hajj classes, O Our sister.

It will be a Moulana who will make Tahneeq> of your children, O Our sister.

It will be a Moulana whose advises you will follow, O Our sister.

And finally, it will be a Moulana who will perform your Janaazah
Salaah when you become a Marhoomah, O Our sister.

No engineer, lawyer, technician, charted accountant, doctor, specialist, Sargent, politician, official, mayor, professor, chairman or even a boss will be capable of doing the various sacred
duties mentioned above.


Their degrees doesn’t allow them to carry out ANY action WHATSOEVER of the hereafter.

Even if they received seven stupid distinctions, they will not be called to carry out the above duties.

They are not respected when it comes to do ANY of the above.

But that Moulana, who hardly studied till matric, way will be made, his shoes will be put straight and he will be respected at all times by the above mentioned personnel.

Therefore, O Sister, you are running into Shaitaans hole if you attend a Haraam, Zina filled university.

By you obtaining a degree, or passing your matric, you were crawling into Shaitaan’s den, attending a university will show how you are willing to be hooked on Shaitaan’s bait and flung into Jahannam.

O Muslim sister, perhaps no one told you about this, or you were never advised in this manner, therefore, listen at once and save yourself from Jahannam.

Nay, “they have ears yet they don’t listen (to the truth).”

Tell us, O Sister, is there no Zina taking place in the universities? Are young Muslim girls like you, who passed their matric yesterday, not expecting from a Haraam relation today?

Is the Muslims who attend universities Salaah up to date? Do they observe the Sacred Divine Law of Hijaab?

Not the Hijaab which every Mary and Jane observe today, but the true Hijaab which will bring one in close proximity to Allah?

Is there no Haraam intermingling taking place?

Are the classes for males and females completely separate (i.e. not a single male will be seen, heard or spoken to
and vice versa)? Are the lecturers Muslims with a pious background?
If you answer ‘yes’ to ALL of the above, will you prosper in you quest for knowledge. Then your Imaan will still remain intact.

Although your emerging from your home will be Haraam, however
you will not be involved in much (other) Haraam.

If you go further to study, you will ‘display’ you displeasure to Allah for creating you as a woman.

Because it is Fardh upon the males of this Ummat to be the bread winners of their homes.

It is the males who have the potential in the fields of study.

Allah have the ability of studying to the males.

The females, Allah gave them the potential to look after the affairs of the house.

She will cook, feed and take care of her children.

She will know why her child cries she will know when her child is hungry.

Allah gave all of this to the females of this Ummat.

Males don’t know why the child is crying.

Nor will they know when the child is hungry.

And most important, they will be left hungry, together with their children, if the wife doesn’t cook.

If the wife works, where will she get time to cook?

May Allah grant us all the Hidaayat to make ‘Amal on what was written, Aameen.

Was-Salaam  ZA Muslims

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Alcohol-based perfumes, tattoos and women receptionists are un-Islamic, says Deoband fatwa

LUCKNOW: Two fatwas issued by leading Islamic seminary Darul Uloom Deoband in Muzaffarnagar in Uttar Pradesh in last two days have left many in Muslim community perplexed in the state. While a fatwa as described working of women as receptionists against sharia law, another termed tattoo and use of perfume with alcohol content as un-Islamic.

A Pakistan-based company had asked whether it could appoint a Muslim woman as a receptionist. In reply, the seminary said that Muslim women working in offices as receptionist is un-Islamic because Muslim women are not allowed to appear before men without veil. Mufti Zulfikar Ali, Muslim cleric and president of UP Imamorganisation, also said that the Muslim women can work in institutions after wearing the veil but the work of a receptionist is to constantly interact with people, which should not be practised.

In the second case a youth in his query had asked that is tattoo valid in shaira law?. He said that one of his friends who has a tattoo on his arm and it would cost him a huge sum if he goes for a surgery to remove it. In such a condition what should be done, he said in his query. The seminary, in its reply, said that prayers of those, who have tattoo on their bodies or have sprayed perfume with alcohol in it is not valid. Another Islamic seminary, Bareli Markaz has backed the Deoband’s decree saying that the tattoo on body is against the tenets of Islam.

Earlier, Darul Uloom Deoband had issued a fatwa against manufacturing and selling of firecrackers. It stated that manufacturing and selling of firecrackers is against Sharia law and bursting of crackers is misuse of money, hence it should be avoided. Another fatwa recently had described donation of blood and body parts was against the tenets of Islam.

My husband promised to accept Islam after our marriage

Q. My husband promised to accept Islam after our marriage. A short while after the marriage, he accepted Islam. However, soon thereafter he  began attending church and  said that he was not a Muslim. What is the state of our marriage?

A.  There never was a valid marriage. You never were his wife according to the Shariah. If he had had not accepted Islam before the marriage, then the Nikah was not valid. In that case you were living in adultery with him.  He is  not your husband. It is  absolutely necessary that you move out of his house. You have to separate yourself from him. Ill-luck and misfortune will overhang you as long as you are living with the kaafir man.

majlis ulema – south africa

Islam and machine slaughter

Q.   Some ulama are accepting machine slaughter. What is the ruling?

A.   Machine slaughtering is absolutely haraam. Animals killed by a machine are haraam. The Ulama who say that machine slaughtering is permissible, simply do not know what they are blurting out. We have prepared a detailed explanation of this issue. Anyone interested may write for a copy.

majlis ulema – south afcrica





According to some Muftis it is permissible to use the determinations of astronomy to negate false sightings. It is maintained that in this age of fitnah and mischief and questionable testimonies of sighting, it is permissible to use astronomy to refute testimonies of moon sightings. Is this view correct?

There is no scope for re-interpretation of the Ahkaam in Islam. The Yahood and Nasaara had mangled beyond recognition the Shariats of Nabi Musa (alayhis salaam) and Nabi Isa (alayhis salaam) with their processes of re-interpretation, distortion and personal opinion. Thus, there does not remain a semblance of the original Shariats of the Ambiya (alayhimus salaam).
In this regard Islam is unique. The Deen has been finalized at the termination of Nubuwwat. The ahkaam are immutable and will remain in their pure form until the Day of Qiyaamah.
The view of negating Shar’i evidence/testimony on the basis of the determinations of astronomy is incorrect and abhorrent in the extreme because it in effect abrogates a Mansoss Alayh usool (principle) of the Shariah. The principle is that the testimony of Aadil (just and uprighteous) witnesses is Shar’i daleel. Such shahaadat is binding. It is haraam to set aside a Shar’i daleel – a Mansoos Hukm – on the basis of astronomical determinations. How can it ever be Islamically possible and permissible to cancel a Shar’i principle on the basis of a man-made determination?
Whilst the same Muftis maintain that astronomical determinations are not valid for commencing the Islamic month, they illogically aver that such determinations are valid for negating Shar’i Shahaadat. Both principles are Shar’i, and of equal weight and importance.
The argument that this is an age of fitnah and mischief, hence false testimony is made, is baseless. In terms of the Shariah a sighting is not false. The testimony can be false. The Shar’i command is to reject testimony which does not conform to the requisites of the Shariah. Eid, Ramadhaan and the Islamic months in general are never determined on the basis of such testimony which does not conform to Shar’i standards. The Shariah stipulates the requisite of adaalat for those who testify. Aadil persons are generally known in a community. A total stranger who testifies will be majhoolul halaal. His testimony shall not be accepted. However, when Aadil persons testify that they have sighted the hilaal, then confound what the astronomers say. Irrespective of the determinations of astronomy, it is haraam to reject the shahaadat of Aadil persons. Astronomy cannever override the Shariah. On the contrary, the Shariah overrides and rejects man-made determinations when these are in conflict with the Law of Allah Azza Wa Jal.
Let us momentarily assume that the Aadil persons who are testifying had made a genuine error in sighting. There was no hilaal, but according to their sightings, the hilaal was seem. Now it matters not whether the hilaal had been sighted or not. Of vital importance is that Aadil persons had testified to having seen the hilaal. On the basis of their shahaadat Ramadhaan and Eid shall be declared.
The issue is not the hilaal. The issue is the Hukm of the Shariah. The Shariah commands that Ramadhaan will commence on the basis of the testimony of even one Aadil person, male or female, if the sky is overcast, for example. It matters not what the astronomers say. The fitnah of dishonest people have no role in the determination of the Islamic months, because everyone knows them to be ghair-aadil (not uprighteous). The Shariah prohibits acceptance of the shahaadat of fussaaq. Thus, the argument of ‘mischief’ due to the testimony of fussaaq is a figment of the imagination. The requisite of aadalat precludes false testimony. The Shariah nips in the bud such mischief by simply not entertaining the testimony of fussaaq. Valid Shahaadat is only by pious and aadil persons.
It should be remembered that Rajm (Stoning the death), cutting off the hand for theft, flogging and numerous other ahkaam of the Shariah are fully reliant of the testimony of Aadil witnesses. The devices of technology cannever override these ahkaam of the immutable Shariah.
It should be clear that the honourable Muftis who have averred the permissibility of overriding the Shariah with astronomy have grievously erred. And Allah knows best.



Presenting a ludicrous argument in support of Dajjaal’s Eye (Television), one lost soul, Mr.Rafiq Shah who appears to be a bid’ati molvi, said: “We live in an age of  science and technology and in which social media, including television, plays a very crucial role in shaping ideas. ……..I think we need to get over this now. We don’t travel to Mecca on a camel for hajj. We travel by plane, so let’s not be hypocritical. The plane that we use uses the same technology that makes a fighter jet that kills people. It’s not the technology – its how you use it.”  (Sunday Times, 8 July 2012)
Riba, liquor, gambling, fornication, prostitution, etc. all  “play  a very crucial role in shaping ideas” in this immoral era in which the brains of the Ummah have become colonized by the West, hence the Bid’ati is so awed by the words ‘technology and science’.
Mr.Rafiq Shah, in this stupid comment, has only succeeded in portraying his jahaalat. He appears to be a fellow with his head deep under sand like an ostrich blissfully ignorant of what is happening and what has been said and what is being said about Dajjaal’s Eye, its consequences and the concomitant Shar’i ruling which condemns Dajjaal’s Eye as the primary instrument of vice and immorality in this so-called ‘technological’ age.
Perhaps Mr.Shah does not understand the English language, hence he so brazenly advertises his jahl-muraqqab  in his abovementioned disgorgement of drivel. Nowhere in any of their writings or statements did the enemies of Dajjaal’s Eye brand, damn and condemn television because of it being a product of technology. Mr.Shah appears to be ignorant of even the meaning of ‘science and technology’, terms which he uses flamboyantly without perhaps having the haziest idea of  the drivel  excreted by his mouth. Precisely for this reason did he consider it appropriate to respond to  the Haqq of  the Shariah with his fallacious ‘plane’ analogy. The analogy is  disgracefully stupid. The analogy would have had some credence if  the basis of the attack of the Shariah against Dajjaal’s Eye was technology. We call on this misguided  bid’ati fellow to cite just one statement from the deluge of anti-television attacks, which  criticizes  television because it happens to be a product of technology.
To fumigate his mind in an attempt  to eliminate some  of  the cobwebs which cloud his intellectual perception, this fellow firstly needs to understand all about the curse of Bid’ah, and that according to the Hadith, the bid’atis are Kilaabun Naar.  It will be salutary for Mr.Rafiq Shah to understand that technology is nothing new. It is not the enterprise of this century. Technology came into existence with the advent of Hadhrat Aadam (alayhis salaam) on earth. The primitive farm implements  which were in use in bygone times; the ox wagon, the donkey cart, the hammer, the sickle, knives, chairs, tables, bricks, and the myriad of other material, ways and means of life employed by man since Hadhrat Aadam’s era, were all products of technology regardless of the permittivity of their moulds and methods of manufacture. The primitive blacksmith was an engineer in his field just as the welder and other engineers  are technologists  in their fields. permittivity is not the negation of modern-day technology. On the contrary, the latter is merely built on the basis of the former and has  developed the former which constituted the foundations. Just as the first motor vehicle which looked like a glorified donkey cart was the product of technology, so too was the first ox cart and donkey cart products of technology of the age. Just as the first stupid-looking tractor was a product of technology, so too were primitive farm implements products of technology. The only difference between the primitive donkey cart and today’s truck/bakkie is the dimension of advancement. But both items are products of technology.
Just as all instruments of primitive technology are halaal, so too are the latest instruments of technology halaal. If  a primitive ox cart was utilized to transport  prostitutes, no one condemned  and banned the ox cart. In the same way, today the Ulama do not condemn and outlaw vehicles, planes,  and the millions of  instruments which are the products of  the technology of this era. What is condemned is the evil, the vice and immorality which a  medium such as Dajjal’s Eye disseminates. So when the Ulama say that television is haraam, they are not saying technology is haraam. Proffering the reasons – the Asbaabul Hurmat – the Factors of Prohibition – for condemning Dajjal’s Eye as evil and haraam, the NNB Jamiat of Fordsburg, conceding the validity of our argument and basis of attack, stated in its fork-tongued, hypocritical pamphlet:
“Television erodes our modesty; it weakens our Imaan; it is a means for committing zinaa of the eyes and attracts the displeasure of Allah. The greatest tragedy is that we have become immune to the sins we commit while watching television, some of which are:
•    Watching immorality, nudity, illicit sex, pornography, etc
•    Listening to obscene language and music
•    Incitement to fornicate and acceptance of aggression, and deceit as a mode of behaviour
•    Diversion from the remembrance of Allah and the hereafter
•    Erosion of hayaa and respect
Although there is nothing fork-tongued about this particular averment in which the NNB Jamiat of Fordsburg has been compelled to state the glaring Haqq which it (the NNB Jamiat) abhors, the balance of what the ulama-e-soo’ of the NNB Jamiat said in its statement is fork-tongued bunkum.
When even an ardent lover of Dajjaal’s Eye and an implacable enemy of the Haqq such as the NNB Jamiat of Fordsburg has conceded the validity of  the Shariah’s Asbaabul Hurmat which damn and ban Dajjaal’s Eye, among which there is no mention whatsoever of  technology being the basis of the attack, Mr.Shah should read and re-read what the opponents of Dajjaal’s Eye have said and argued for the Shariah’s Cause of Prohibition. But, Mr.Shah will understand the Haqq only if he sheds the dead albatross of Bid’ah which is strung around his neck, and which blinds  the brains of  a Muslim.
Let us assume momentarily that there is some validity in the fallacy of Muslims becoming ‘murtads’ in  consequence of  television-viewing. If this is the case, then the legalizers of television  will on the Day of Qiyaamah be  loaded with the burden of the irtidaad of all the murtads because  they (the ulama-e-soo’) had  declared this Eye of Dajjaal to be halaal, hence these unfortunate people indulged in the filth without any twinge of conscience, believing it to be halaal.
Secondly, if  thousands of people become murtad because of television propaganda, then let them take their path to Jahannum. Their irtidaad is by Allah’s Decree. These miserable murtads never were Muslim. They never had Imaan in their hearts, hence Allah Ta’ala  humiliated them by placing the seal of irtidaad on their tongues so that the world can witness these devils who had masqueraded as Muslims. But the irtidaad of hidden munaafiqeen can never halaalize what Allah Ta’ala has  unequivocally declared to be haraam such as Dajjaal’s Eye. Confound the ‘benefits’ of Dajjaal’s Eye. Television is Haraam, and so will it remain Haraam until the Say of Qiyaamah even if the entire Ummah indulges in the filth and immorality which spews out from Dajjaal’s Eye.  Mr.Shah and the NNB Jamniat can lick up the filth which Dajjaal’s Eye disgorges.

BY: Jamiatul Ulama South Africa, PO Box 2282, Port Elizabeth, 6056

ISSUED BY JUSA..television is haraam!


In its latest forked-tongued statement issued in support of Dajjaal’s Eye (television), the NNB Jamiat of Fordsburg, fraudulently using our designation JUSA (Jamiatul Ulama of S.A.), and signed by a senile molvi, Ayoob Kachwee who has perpetrated treachery against the Shariah and the Akaabir of Deoband by endorsing the haraam permissibility view, a flabby and an abortive  attempt has been laboriously made to justify television despite the NNB’s forked tongue  admission of all the evils which are inherent in Dajjaal’s Eye.
It should be evident to even ordinary persons, even to the ignorant, that the NNB Jamiat has not produced a single Qur’aanic daleel nor a Hadith daleel nor any daleel from the Shariah to justify its haraam ‘permissible’ view.  In its deceitful pamphlet, the NNB Jamiat, masquerading fraudulently as JUSA, concedes that the haraam elements of:
“ music,  immorality, nudity, pornography, obscene language, incitement to commit fornication, acceptance of aggression and deceit as a mode of behaviour, diversion from the remembrance of Allah and the Hereafter and the erosion of Hayaa”
are the integral characteristics and inherent  evils of Dajjaal’s Eye. Despite this brazen acknowledgement, the vile ulamae-e-soo’ under the shaitaani guidance of  Reverend Abraham Bham and Mr.Ayoob Kachwi who has been duped into the cauldron of Satanism by his Reverend guide, persist in the irrational and nafsaani  idea of the permissibility of this evil and haraam medium. There is no single evil besides television, which encompasses so numerous elements of haraam, fisq and fujoor such as Dajjaal’s Eye. Yet, these moron  molvis hovering on the precipice of kufr, driven to insanity by the touch of shaitaan, see the way clear for accepting Dajjaal’s Eye as a medium for  supposedly defending Islam, when in reality their corrupt heart’s desire nafsaani gratification and monetary gain, plus some cheap publicity.
But, for their jahannami view of permissibility these vile ulama-e-soo’ – cross-worshippers and pundits – have miserably failed to produced even one Shar’i daleel. The only stupid thing they have ventured was to  furnish a list of names of Indian Ulama who supposedly align themselves with the permissibility view. In response to this stupid, nafsaani and deceptive ‘daleel’, we, that is, JUSA, says that Allah Ta’ala states in His Qur’aan Majeed:
“They (the masses of Bani Israaeel who was the Muslim Ummah of that age)
take their priests and their saints as gods besides Allah….”
The array of names cited in the NNB Jamiat’s statement  cannot be elevated to arbaab (gods). Islam has its own Shariah which has  been transmitted reliably to the Ummah down the long passage of 14 centuries. The Shariah of Islam is not what the deviated Ulama of India, Pakistan or of any other country disgorge in conflict with the Shariah. Muslims should not be impressed and awed by names of Ulama when the views expressed are rotten, haraam, and bordering on kufr.  What type of ‘daarul ifta’ is this stupid NNB Jamiat operating? The plastic ‘muftis’ operating the NNB Jamiat’s ‘daarul ifta’ should first engage themselves in learning the rudimentary masaa-il of Istinja. Men who lack the ability of observing correctly  the practice of Istinja, suffer from intellectual derangement, hence this bogus ‘daarul ifta’ which its plastic and tin-topped ‘muftis’ are capable of issuing rubbish ‘fatwas’ based on their principle of elevating  to godhood such Ulama who happen to agree with their corrupt view whispered into their deranged brains and corrupt hearts by the accursed Iblees.
The NNB Jamiat with its ulama-e-soo’ have become the camp followers of Iblees. Therefore, they have become adept in the production of haraam ‘fatwas’. Transforming haraam into ‘halaal’ is the speciality of the NNB Jamiat masquerading fraudulently as JUSA despite being fully aware that they are not JUSA, and that the genuine JUSA has been in the field  since 1970.
The NNB Jamiat’s shayaateen in human bodies are labouring painfully to sway the opinion of the masses to support  their illegitimate ‘fatwa’ of permissibility of Dajjaal’s Eye, hence they  present the bogey of  Muslims  becoming   murtad in consequence of television misinformation. This argument is a perfect example of Talbeesul Iblees (Deception of the Accursed Devil) who has become the Ustaadh and Shaikh of  Reverend Abraham and Mr.Ayoob Kachwi. The satansim of this argument is palpable. It is never permissible to worship idols with the intention of combating idolatry. It is never permissible to go to a brothel, fornicate with a couple of prostitutes with the intention of converting them to Islam and morality. It is never permissible to taste liquor  and to gamble in order to combat these evils.  But, the NNB Jamiat’s  ulama-e-soo’  are legalizing this haraam institution, and in the process  awarding dignity, respectability and acceptability, in the hearts of the Muslim masses for Dajjal’s Eye. They – these vile scum of the NNB Jamiat – deserve to be buried alive and stones and thorns filled into the holes into which they deserve to be ignominiously cast.
It is difficult to believe that in Islam’s 14 century history  there were worse ulama-e-soo’ than the ulama-e-soo’ of this vile NNB Jamiat of Fordsburg  fraudulently masquerading as JUSA. Our Deen is Islam. Our Shariah stems from the Qur’aan and Sunnah. Our Shariah is not the product of corrupt brains of  some Ulama in other countries nor is it the product of  even senior Ulama who have erred in their understanding of  an issue.  We defy the devil’s agent, the NNB Jamiat, to produce Shar’i dalaail for their convoluted view of kufr regarding the permissibility of  a medium consisting of a plethora of  elements of  fisq, fujoor and kufr. They have no Shar’i proof. They have no rational proof. They have no daleel. Their only daleel is to proffer some names of some Ulama who have  gravely erred in their understanding and their reading of the situation.
The incompetence of India’s Fiqh Academy is  vividly portrayed and advertised by the fact that a conglomeration of 100 or 200 Ulama are unable to decide a simple issue even after almost a decade of  ‘research’, discussion and seminar upon seminar. Even after years of deliberating they have failed to decide whether a television image is a picture or a reflection. But many decades ago Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Shafi’ (rahmatullah alayh) and others have conclusively proven from all angles that a television image is a picture (Tasweer) in the meaning of the Ahaadith of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Only morons believe and claim that the image in Dajjaal’s Eye is a reflection, and not a picture.
Brains welded to stupidity such as the brains possessed by the Ulama-e-Soo’ being too dense and befogged with shaitaaniyat, are today prowling around as Ulama whilst they are, in the words of the Hadith: Devils in human bodies and wolves in sheep-skin. Hence washing garments with urine as water, and faeces as soap powder is halaal for them. May Allah Ta’ala save our community from the disaster of NBB Jamiat’s kufr, fisq, fujoor and dhalaal.

BY: Jamiatul Ulama South Africa, PO Box 2282, Port Elizabeth, 6056