A medical expert offers the following simple but wonderful remedy for cancer:
“  My Mom had been taking the full-stalk canned style asparagus, pureed it and took 4 tablespoons in the morning and 4 tablespoons later in the day. She did this for over a month. She is on chemo pills for Stage 3 lung cancer in the pleural area and her cancer cell count went from 386 down to 125 as of this past week.

Her oncologist said she will not need to see him for 3 months.

Several years ago I met a man seeking asparagus for a friend who had cancer. He gave me a copy of an article, entitled “Asparagus For Cancer” printed in the Cancer News Journal, December 1979. I will share it here, just as it was shared with me: I am a biochemist, and have specialized in the relation of diet to health or over 50 years.

Several years ago, I learned of the discovery of Richard R. Vensal, D.D.S. that asparagus might cure cancer. Since then, I have worked with him on his project. We have accumulated a number of favourable case histories.

Here are a few examples:

Case No. 1

A man with an almost hopeless case of Hodgkin’s disease (cancer of the lymph glands) who was completely incapacitated. Within 1 year of starting the asparagus therapy, his doctors were unable to detect any signs of cancer, and he was back on a schedule of strenuous exercise.
Case No. 2

A successful businessman, 68 years old, suffered from cancer of the bladder for 16 years. After years of medical treatments, including radiation without improvement, he began taking asparagus. Within 3 months, examinations revealed that his bladder tumour had disappeared and that his kidneys were normal.

Case No. 3

On March 5th 1971, a man who had lung cancer was put on the operating table where they found lung cancer so widely spread that it was inoperable. The surgeon sewed him up and declared his case hopeless. On April 5th he heard about the Asparagus therapy and immediately started taking it. By August,> x-ray pictures revealed that all signs of the cancer had disappeared. He is now back at his regular business routine.

Case No. 4

A woman had been troubled for a number of years with skin cancer. She developed different skin cancers which were diagnosed by the acting specialist as advanced. Within 3 months after beginning asparagus therapy, the skin specialist said her skin looked fine with no more skin lesions. This woman reported that the asparagus therapy also cured her kidney disease, which had started in 1949. She had over 10 operations for kidney stones, and was receiving government disability payments for an inoperable, terminal, kidney condition. She attributes the cure of this kidney trouble entirely to the asparagus treatment.

I was not surprised at this result as `The elements of materia medica’, edited in 1854 by a Professor at the University of Pennsylvania , stated that asparagus was used as a popular remedy for kidney stones. He even referred to experiments, in 1739, on the power of asparagus in dissolving stones. Note the dates!

We would have other case histories but the medical establishment has interfered with our obtaining some of the records. I am therefore appealing to readers to spread this good news and help us to gather a large number of case histories that will overwhelm the medical sceptics about this unbelievably simple and natural remedy.


For the treatment, asparagus should be cooked before using. Fresh or canned asparagus can be used. I have corresponded with the two leading canners of asparagus, Giant and Stokely, and I am satisfied that these brands contain no pesticides or preservatives.

Place the cooked asparagus in a blender and liquefy to make a puree. Store in the refrigerator. Give the patient 4 full tablespoons twice daily, morning and evening.

Patients usually show some improvement in 2-4 weeks. It can be diluted with water and used as a cold or hot drink. This suggested dosage is based on present experience, but certainly larger amounts can do no harm and may be needed in some cases.
As a biochemist I am convinced of the old saying that `what cures can prevent.’ Based on this theory, my wife and I have been using asparagus puree as a beverage with our meals. We take 2 tablespoons diluted in water to suit our taste with breakfast and with dinner. I take mine hot and my wife prefers hers cold.
For years we have made it a practice to have blood surveys taken as part of our regular check-ups. The last blood survey, taken by a medical doctor who specializes in the nutritional approach to health, showed substantial improvements in all categories over the last one, and we can attribute these improvements to nothing but the asparagus drink.
As a biochemist, I have made an extensive study of all aspects of cancer, and all of the proposed cures. As a result, I am convinced that asparagus fits in better with the latest theories about cancer.
Asparagus contains a good supply of protein called histones, which are believed to be active in controlling cell growth. For that reason, I believe asparagus can be said to contain a substance that I call cell growth normalizer. That accounts for its action on cancer and in acting as a general body tonic. In any event, regardless of theory, asparagus used as we suggest, is a harmless substance.

The FDA cannot prevent you from using it and it may do you much good. It has been reported by the US National Cancer Institute, that asparagus is the highest tested food containing glutathione, which is considered one of the body’s most potent anti carcinogens and antioxidants.
Just a side note… In case you are wondering why this has not been made public— there is no profit in curing cancer (THIS SIMPLE WAY)!



In addition, it is imperative to abstain from the diseased, haraam carrion broiler chickens and the eggs of broiler chickens. These halaalized rotten poisons neutralize the beneficial effects of valid medical treatment. Remember and understand that whatever Allah Ta’ala has made HARAAM, is extremely harmful for the health, for both physical and spiritual health.

Our comment is bolstered by medical experts who say:

“There are many fruits and vegetables that are available to be a part of a healthy  lifestyle. Eating  any one of these will help protect you and your body against cancer. But do not stop there as eating  a healthy diet also strengthens the body in its daily fight against many other disease-causing elements.”


Opposed to a halaal-tayyib diet as commanded by Allah Ta’ala in the Qur’aan and Hadith,  is the rotten, diseased diet of haraam carrion chickens halaalized by the   Mafia Carrion-Halaalizing Thugs of the  ‘halaal’ certificate industry, the poisoned eggs of broiler chickens, the filth of the fast-food industry and the  haraam and mushtabah poisons of processed ‘foods’ which , in addition to neutralizing the extremely beneficial  effects of  fruit and vegetables, cause grave diseases which   cannot even be correctly diagnosed and for which there are no cures except  torture by the western medical  Mafia establishment.

In every field there are bound to be differences of opinions. Some claim that the Asparagus treatment as a cure for cancer is a ‘myth’ despite the fact that they acknowledge the cancer-fighting properties of this vegetable.  Whatever the reality is, it is worth trying this remedy. If it does not cure, it will not harm. It is simply a healthy food item, and all factions of the medical fraternity, even the mafia thugs – the pharmaceutical companies – are unanimous on the fact that asparagus does have cancer-fighting properties. Thus, those who have cancer should try this remedy for a couple of months to ascertain the veracity of the claim.

Another baseless argument presented in the attempt to negate the Asparagus treatment is that the author of this article is unknown and attempts to verify his whereabouts have yielded no results.  In the underworld of the pharmaceutical mafia thugs, anonymity has become imperative. In the past, medical experts who had discovered simple, but effective remedies which threatened the financial empires of the mafia thugs, had mysteriously died. The lone medical expert is up against the most ruthless and murderous establishment, viz., the pharmaceutical drug and mafia lords who plot mysterious ways of elimination for those whom they consider a threat to their financial empire. Thus, anonymity in this dangerous realm is not a valid argument for debunking a theory or a remedy. They claim to be scientists, so they have to produce scientific arguments and evidence to debunk what their adversary is claiming.

Also recite Surah Faatihah several times and blow on the remedy, for Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Surah Faatihah is a cure for every disease.”Again, it must be stressed that spiritual poisons such as sin, transgression, television, facebook filth and the like  neutralize the beneficial effects of Roohaani  (Spiritual)remedies.

10 Sha’baan 1437 – 17 May 2016


Assalaamu alykum..


Update…Its a,months back sice i posted that update. have no computer and a phone only with little internet acsess and time.

Sadly our gilrs were never admitted into this islamic scholl , branch of ahsan ul uloom Karachi under supervision of mufti zarwali khan.

they wasted 1 month on empty promises being admitted and and we had to spent thousands of rupees for books ad on back Tags) in this institution nothing but slime up other backsides, running for positions and family politics and racism rules the day.

Teachers are hired by an unquakified principal not having any educatioanl background in leadership of a school, forget about an islamic school.

women awho wear make up, berelvis etc are hired without checking their standards of ilm in deen anad dunya and real qualifications to teach and graduation certificates of the teaching association.

the curriculum is absolutely laughable, no organisations, books to teACH ARE taken from here and there.

haraam picture activities, paintings on walls of animate objects, principals and teachers with make up, no clue how to teach.

Teachers and parents complains are brushed aside and ideas for improving this school and provide quality education are dismissed.

The female and male principal ( a married couple0 are seldom present in that school n are only busy going to umrah with mufti sahib.

Its all about making money in that school and the owner of that school has no clue, neither his uncle mufti za wali khan, whats going on in that school.

the principals never arrive in beginning  of office timing but close to instead of 8am.  often the female principal is not present several times during the weeek.



Uupdate… due to the Mercy of Allah and the dua of brothers and sisters, our kids joined a Islamic school about a week ago. still they’ll properly will begin first grade in most subject, and besides English, math, silence  in upper levels, maybe Arabic, but hifs and nasara are available to learn. They still want get real quality education considering the country we live in, but thats a huge step toward  a better future. i hope. his believes are still the same and and believes females  should learn in house everything form another women, not a educational institution, ie . I wish that our girls could became a qualified midwives to help other Muslim ladies, females in general. he propagates still that they cant learn like this as in  times of sahaaba they had no school to learn this. this can only be a statement of a man and a person who had no insight how complex actually pregnancy and delivery and postpartum care is which requires anatomy lessons as well, etc..  by  all respect this logic should be applied to madaris education as well and labeled haaraam as in time of the sahaba they were no madaris of the type today existed and no mass graduation or admission took place in form school teachings on schedule ..

too being told its believed to be  jaddo afflicted( me thats why i might state those things and iom not in my senses and my husband would surely never do such things isnt going to help our situation at all!! Im not insane, I’ve not lost my senses , neither do I make up what ive written before.

I swear by Allah, the books, the malaaika and the entire creation Im not a liar and my kids will proof witness to this facts and im  not stating this due to jadoo afflictions!

I’ve contacted local ulema, friends  who are ulema to just sit with us and talk and give us solutions and naseehat to our problems. but no aalim ever replied, no email from hardhat desai has reached my inbox or spam for months.i dint know why

so if this happens to muslim women and her children, what should i do? I can write down my whole live since conversion which was never a easy and pleasant one. but ill might be labeled a complete liar or ungrateful wife and muslim  woman which seem to ne he standard reply when a woman like me resorts for help as nobody is helping or listening.

Yes im ungrateful at times, l.ike most men and women and children. but im not pagal, not shameless, neither disobedient. im broken down .

im still waiting for ulema and their replies.i sent to local madaris and abroad and to hadhrat desai. but i don’t receive any reply on my mails.Perghaps its getting lost on either side


I request any Muslim and especially Ulema Haqq to provide me valid proof for the following claims as
I’m left alone defenseless struggling to provide my children education which my husband , who follows Hadhrat Mufti A.S. Desai.

Our oldest child is 11 Years OLD AND YOUNGEST 6. None can actually read, write or understand their own mother language, forget about other subjects and languages

My husband follows his sheikh in this regard to the extreme( in our marriage which brought much unnecessary suffering and sanctions , loneliness to the point of blank mental breakdown and severe health problem, mockery from tghe ummat, disatncing of Muslims from us, hassad, evil eye ,jadoo on our family..

And my husband , an aalim , and previous twice married man with kafir children and claims All secular education is absolutely haraam and every Islamic and secular school is haraam and girls and females in general are not allowed to receive education in any way but being taught cooking, cleaning, sewing and being a slave as marriage is slavery..

Sadly i think my husband misunderstands it quiet a bit.Nowhere have i read  hadhrat saying this type of stuff and i should show him  my proof in Islam and from hadhrat for me claiming that children, Muslims have the right of education and females are not  prohibited from education.

My husband states that hadhrat desai and sharia rulings states that all secular education is haraam, all Islamic schools all over the world are haraam, girls madrassas are haraam, only stiff plain madrassa education( which by the way has urdu peoetry and urdu language are included and a student has to have some basic secular education in math and urdu in order to study and be able to read and write)Even sex separated schools, even Islamic schools are haraam and teachers faassiq and theyb teach haraam.

girls in particular have no right for education and hadith clearly states to prohibit females from learning writing and reading as it will ruin their character.

Yes, Hadhrat Desai states  that the system of nursery and secular education and intermingling and certain kuffar related educational actions are haraam.( AKA KUFFAR HOLIDAYS, HARAAM PICS, VIDEOS ETC.)

Which makes sense and I agree

So my husband OPTED FOR HOMESCHOOLING. SADLY ONE MAN IN HIS 60’S( HIS AGE) CANT TEACH NEITHER SUPPLY ALL THE NEEDED SUBJECTS, NEITHER MATERIAL OR TEACHERS TO DO THE JOB.besides some math, or English which too has had been not done well and kids still lack behind greatly.

Too we have no relatives or i any friends here to help educating 5 children and helping with housework. too aim chronically sick, weak, exhausted and stressed out and due to some problems we have no peace in our home and all are under non stop stress. kids fight all day and clean for the most part and stay indoors.

I fought for years for the kids to be able to get out and walk and play to use their build up energy and get some light and fresh air daily, which i stopped getting once married in Pakistan to him.Only indoors ,thus many wonderful health problems popped up. And if outside than in thick burqa in black color which dioesen breath and draws the heat on me like a magnets thus giving me breathing and fainting problems for years..( due to injunction of hijaab too females are not allowed ton receive any type of education, as its an excuse to leave the home and in girls madrsaaa girls are only being taught how to argue and disobey their husbands and in laws due so learning’ and thus  their rights . He too claims the same about secual eductaed females and uneducated` females that they only argue and disobey to to their secular knowledge and secular knowledge is waste of time. an and hadith my husband likes to deny)

He , neither I, are skilled enough or educated enough to teach most things to children. Neither do we have the time , material{ halaal without pictures and written by Muslims}, neither any type of curriculum, lesson planning, printers , etc..

Too our personal situation does not allow us to home school and in 6 years of my husband claiming he home schooled , a little English here and a little math here, our kids , aged 11, 10, 9, 7, 6 cant  read really on their own( besides our son who is an exception  by himself, dont know even seasons of the year, month of the year, time telling, comprehension, urdu, Arabic,(arabic numbers, moth..)

i followed by husband obediently in all he taught me and told me. Putting our little girls and me in extreme,e hijaab, spending most of our times indoors, which is no way mentally or biophysical productive. Living in a hot, bad lighted humid moldy home. with growing children . I obeyed. We putt our  little girl in strict hijaab from infancy on.As taught be his sheikh and elders. By age of 2 their all wore burqa and scarf, Even in extreme heat and nights to sleep. Their hair is really damaged.. earlier.

sex separation as well from infancy.

Kept away along with me from society, neighbors. Not allowed to talk to them or play with other kids as they are all faasiq`, and endanger our morals and imaan and i as woman would only gossip outside in front of  door.

Thats also one of the reasons why i and children  couldn’t learn  urdu for 12 years of marriage.

I can elaborate here more but its getting off the topic.

When i reasoned they are illiterate and have right secular education and deen. He states  I’m wrong and the poof is that nabi sslalaahu alayhi wa sallam was illiterate and thus No Muslim need secular or any type of education to worship Allah.

so i replied as well that hardhat advised me , and other ladies, and males to read the books of the pious , aka moral stories of saints , fazali amal or behetsi zevar to get closer to Allah . And ladies too should be able to write ulema for qurries and how in heavens or hell can one find out about halaal and haraam , ie e numbers, vaccine ingredients, etc, if one cant read and write and inst educated about what going on around the world.

Females only have to learn how to cook, clean, have children, raise the,, sew clothe, obey and serve and please their husbands and in laws..

My husband claims our way of live, aka extremes in many points, are in absolute conjuration with hadhrat desai, but he still;  still until today shown me any letter that he stated or supported our way of extremes.

But complains about me and mistrust me and labeling almost all haraam. Beds, carpets, geesers, hot showers, etc.. All haraam and bidat and luxuries…. I will tell on request what in details.

I lived with my kids long enough under self induced poverty, extremes, sanction in name of islam.

I cant take it anymore.

Every aalim and Muslim calls for female staff in schools, madrassa,midwives, lady doctors, dentist, lab  and x ray personal, etc,  hospitals, counters, Muslim engineers, doctors, etc, etc.. hoe in heavens should this happen if everything is labeled haraam. if this would be truly the case than islam would have become a religion of stupidity and ignorance in every field.

the first C section had been performed by sahaaba, one of the first one to write and who m,ade the pen wasIdris alayh  isalaam, manty of the sahaabia were we eduxctae in medince, writing reading, hadith, quraaan

My husband too beilieves that its not good for females to become haafiz due tio their menses. so hr detested that our gilrs become hafiz. i fight for their rights.

One point to note is that he has been married before me and adopted 3 kidfs intio the famikly, /thiose children he put all efforrts in tio eductaed them asecular, deen wise and made sure they bec ame haafis and i have to hear that for years how much he misses those kids and how much he loves them and how much effort he putb into these kids. /fibnally that wife left along with her kids,

theyb were allowed to receive secualr eduicatin, befirsddmn others, hawere in an islamic school, giot deeniay, and became haafuiz and they werte niot in strict purdah is oin  our case, neither then wife. they did not wear niqaab, hijaan amny tyoe dsince age of 2 years, and were not kept indoors  and away form all as in our case.

wehn i con frionted my husband he said he had permission form hnadhrat desia as hadhrta desua saixc he had no right of the kids rtthus he shopuld not buity any hurdle between the wife and ther kids. ie vaccinations are haraa,m ans that wife wanted to get her kids c=vaccinate dso my husvband said they are haraam and he consukted hadhrat and he advi9ced let her vaccinate her children and dont let her decide between you and her kids.

so how much sharia right and zstatue did he have over this wife as he says he has over me , including having the sharia granted right over me to assess my emails, letters, messages, phone calls, etc to prvent me from straying….which i readily gave to him until i had enough , last moth

I feel a bit sorry to go public.

but i dont receive replies and advice from hardhat neither local ulema as they all block and dont want to interfere in other peoples affairs even though i ask for sharia rulings, help a woman in Pakistani and her kids will be always at loss and rights only on papers and men always right and supported

so i have no other option but to go public.

as my husband dont change in this regard at all and we waste precious time and he will be dead one day and m y son has tp

support 4 sisters and me and later his own family. How , though begging and selling onions while he got many abilities and interest which could be .

He says risq is fixed, okaayy. but in which way one dont know and we have to work for our  risq a little bit and dont put our families and ourselves into not needed sufferings!

May Allah forgive me..but i have no choice .We need help

Wa slaam

i feel sorry to state that my life since marriage and conversion is just like the real life book.. Not without my daughter.. Nicht ohne meine tochter. many of those fears and negative extreme report seen and heard in meadi has actually happen to be true. at least in my muslim life and m,y kids life


Question from a U.S.A. Brother

Please comment on the recent fatwa issued by the Ulama of Pakistan on the issue of recognizing transgenders. Many Muslims are concerned regarding the very liberal fatwa. Is this fatwa valid? The following is the report published in the WASHINGTON POST of the U.S.A.


Pakistani Muslim clerics approve transgender people’s right to marry, call them ‘one of Allah’s creations’

By Pamela Constable June 28, 2016 at 11:19 AM

Muslim clerics in Pakistan are usually known for issuing stern, conservative pronouncements on gender-related issues, mostly limiting the rights of women. But in a surprising twist, a large group of clerics there has just issued a fatwa, or religious edict, affirming the rights of transgender people to marry.

The ruling, issued Sunday by 50 Islamic clerics in the eastern city of Lahore, said that transgender people may marry under Islamic law and that they have the right to be buried in Muslim ceremonies and to inherit property, according to reports from Reuters and Pakistani media. The fatwa said the Pakistani state is responsible for protecting them.


“We need to accept them as God’s creation, too,” said Zia-ul-Haq Naqshbandi, who heads an Islamic organization that requested the fatwa. “Whoever treats them badly — society, the government, their own parents — are sinners.”


Some rights groups said the ruling was confusing and did not do enough to protect the rights of transgender people, who often face abuse and harassment in Pakistan. The fatwa declared that transgender men “with male characteristics” may marry women or transgender women “with female characteristics,” and vice versa. It did not detail the nature of such characteristics and did not mention people who have undergone sex-change surgery.

But others activists called it a welcome first step toward seeking full legal rights for transgender people through Pakistani courts.

The ruling also illustrates the complex, diverse and contradictory nature of Pakistani society. The majority-Muslim country of 180 million has spawned fundamentalist and sectarian Islamist groups affiliated with the Taliban and al-Qaeda, and it has one of the world’s most severe laws against blasphemy, or insulting Islam. But it also has a sizable Christian minority and is home to mystical Sufi orders, whose poets and musicians promote harmony and peace. It has banned homosexuality and does not allow homosexuals to marry, but it does not aggressively prosecute gays as a rule.


On matters of women’s rights, the country has become increasingly conservative since the 1980s, when military ruler Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq presided over a period of “Islamization” in which men were flogged for drinking alcohol and women were imprisoned for adultery and other sexual crimes, known as zina. Laws banning “honor killings” and criminalizing domestic violence have drawn strong opposition from Islamic leaders, and the national clerical council ruled last month that the Koran allows men to beat their wives “lightly.”



Pakistan also has a long South Asian tradition of accepting transsexuals and people of non-traditional genders as part of society. Some eunuchs and others have been viewed as having mystical powers. They have recognized leaders and associations that have long fought for their rights, and the courts ruled in 2012 that they should be given job quotas and ID cards as a recognized minority. However, they are marginalized from mainstream society, and many work as prostitutes, beggars and entertainers. Men dressed in female costumes and makeup are a familiar sight at public festivals and shrines.


In some cases, transgender people are severely bullied and even killed. The fatwa issued Sunday urged people to be kind to them, saying that “making fun of them, teasing them or thinking of them as inferior is against sharia law, because such an act amounts to objecting to one of Allah’s creations.”

End of report)


It is difficult to comment on the English report. We need to read the actual Urdu Fatwa. We shall endeavour to acquire a copy of the original fatwa.


In our opinion the Ulama did not issue any new fatwa. It is in fact the ruling of the Shariah which was propounded by the Fuqaha fourteen centuries ago. The word ‘transgender’ is misleading. The fatwa, we are almost certain, applies to people who are described in the Shariah as Khuntha. If the male organs and characteristics are dominant and functional, then the person will be designated a male. If the female organs and characteristics are dominant, then the person will be a female according to the Shariah.


Such people have both male and female organs / characteristics, but the one is usually dominant. The fatwa is nothing to new to us. It is as old as Islam. The Pakistani fatwa is old hat, but the western press is notorious for blowing much hot air to malign Muslims and Islam. According to the Shariah, a person whose sex cannot be determined due to both sets of organs being functional, is termed Khuntha Mushkil. There are Shar’i rules applicable to such a person. Such persons, if they come to Musjid, have to stand in the very last row behind the children.


They do have rights such as inheritance, etc. The Ulama in their fatwa had merely mentioned what the Fuqaha have ruled during the era of Khairul Quroon. So what the Ulama in Pakistan have stated is nothing new.


The following is an extract from our kitaab, Kitaabul Meeraath (The Book of Inheritance), which was published 40 years before the latest Pakistani fatwa:


(Hermaph rodite)

Khuntha is a person who is born with the deformity of having both male and female organs. Such at person whose sex cannot be determined, is described as khuntha mushkil.

If the sex can be determined by virtue of the dominance of either the male or female organs, the person will be classified accordingly, i.e. if the male organ is dominant, the person will be classified a male and if the female organ predominates, the person will be a female.

All attempts will be made to classify the khuntha either as a male or female. Only when such classification is impossible will the person be classified as khuntha mushkil.

The principle of obtainal of the lesser share applies to the inheritance of the khuntha mushkil. According to this rule the khuntha mushkil will receive the share of either a male or a female, whichever is the lesser of the two.

Example: The mayyit is survived by one son, one daughter and one khuntha mushkil. Now, if the khuntha mushkil is assumed to be a male the estate will be divided in to 5 parts. In this case the khuntha mushkil will obtain 2/5 (two fifths) of the estate.

If the khuntha mushkil is assumed to be a female, the estate will be divided into four parts. In this case the khuntha’s share will be 1/4 (one quarter).

A quarter is less than two fifths, hence in terms of the rule of obtainal of the lesser share, the khuntha mushkil, in this example, will be given the share of a female, viz one quarter.

Example: The mayyit is survived by the following heirs:

Mother, wife, khuntha mushkil and a paternal uncle. If the khuntha mushkil is assumed to be a male, the division will be as follows:

Mother 1/6, wife 1/8, khuntha mushkil, the balance.

Divide the estate into 24 parts. The shares will be:

Mother 1/6 = 4/24; Wife 1/8 = 3/24; Khuntha balance = 17/24.

Thus, if the khuntha mushkil, in this example, is assumed to be a male, the share will be 17/24 and the uncle is deprived.

If the Khuntha is assumed to be a female, the division will be as follows:

Mother 1/6 = 4/24; Wife 1/8 = 3/24; Khuntha balance 1/2 = 12/24 and the balance of 5/24 will be taken by the paternal uncle.

12/24 is less than 17/24, hence the khuntha in this example will be given 12/24 of the estate since this (12/24) is the lesser amount.


It is not permissible to despise anyone even those who are Khuntha. This is Islam’s teaching. It is nothing new. A person who dies without Imaan, is obviously worse than a pig. Since no one is aware of his/her end, it is gross ignorance and pride to despise even a khuntha. This has been the Ta’leem of all our Auliya since time immemorial.  We, therefore do not see anything new in even the English version of the fatwa.

The Khuntha issue should not be confused with homosexuals, gays and lesbians who are all accursed and who are subjected to severe punishment in terms of the Shariah.


We shall, Insha-Allah, comment further when we obtain the actual fatwa.

24 Ramadhaan 1437 – 30 June 2016

Mufti Taqi’s fatawa on Pornography on the Internet MUFTI TAQI SAHIB – IT IS NOW TOO LATE!


Honorable Mufti, Its too late now!!!!!

[By Hazrat Maulana Ahmad Sadeq Desai]

Hadhrat  Mufti Taqi Sahib has issued the following fatwa:


‘One of the major sinful involvement of our era is viewing the sexually explicit material online. May Allah protect us all from it. Ameen!

It is haraam (impermissible) for a person to have an Internet connection and computer devices if he cannot keep himself from viewing these material online.Throw them away!  This is an essential spiritual struggle (mujahidah) to gain Allah’s pleasure.” 26 Ramadan 1437/2 July 2016, Masjid Dar ul Uloom Karachi. (End of Fatwa)


Mufti Taqi Sahib should take the liability of the sins of millions of Muslims for whom he had  widely opened the avenue of pornography by issuing his baatil, corrupt opinion of the permissibility of video and digital pictures of animate objects. He is responsible for the ruin of the Akhlaaq of innumerable juhala Muslims and so-called molvis who are worse than even the juhala.

The one who initiates a fitnah will have to bear the colossal and terrible burden of the sins of all those who indulge in that fitnah which he had initiated. It is now too late for the statement of condemnation of ‘sexually explicit material’. It is now of no effect to say that such porn on the internet is haraam? It is of no benefit to say “Throw them away!” The addicts of pornography will not throw the computers away.

Mufti Taqi Sahib has addicted them to the porn which once upon a time they had not dared to view. May Allah Ta’ala save us from the traps of shaitaan – Talbeesul Iblees.  May Allah Ta’ala save us from the evil lurking in our nafs – evil which the Ulama of the era present in ‘deeni’ hues.

Mufti Taqi Sahib and ourselves are on the threshold of Maut (Death) which is stalking us  every moment. The Qabr calls on us five times a day: “I am an abode of sand! I am an abode of darkness! I am an abode of worms (and scorpions and snakes, etc.)! I am an abode of torment!, etc.”

Muftis who  have deflected the masses from Siraatul Mustaqeem with their baatil, haraam and corrupt fatwas, should  reflect on Maut and the Qabr as all of us are required to do. There is not much time left  for life to end.

Mufti Taqi’s only succour now is to make valid amends by issuing a massive retraction of his baatil fatwa and then go on a campaign to denounce pictography which is the fundamental basis and root of the pornography which he now says is haraam.

Our evil will live and haunt us into the Grave and into Qiyaamah. Reckless production of corrupt/baatil ‘fatwas’ which open the gateway for fitnah, fasaad, fisq and fujoor which are all the stepping stones for kufr, is the height of satanic irresponsibility displayed by the muftis of this era. A Mufti is required to constantly hover between Jannat and Jahannam when he is about to issue a fatwa. And, this has greater applicability when the Mufti Sahib is in the twilight of life, on the verge of meeting Allah Azza Wa Jal. If this is not his attitude, he will be rudely shocked when suddenly Malakul Maut stands in his presence.

The burden of the sins of the masses shall have to be carried by the Mufti who had opened the avenue for fisq and fujoor thereby issuing a halaal certificate for the villainy which Allah Azza Wa Jal has made haraam.




According to the Shariah, what are the rights of a wife, and what are the obligations of her husband. A man lives in a Jamaat Khaanah.  He divorced his wife, but refuses to support the minor children. He joins the Tabligh Jamaat, goes on their excursions, but neglects his children. This particular man does give his children a blue cent but travels around and enjoys his holidays with the Tabligh Jamaat. As far as I am concerned, the jamaat with whom he moves around is cursed. Don’t these people advise their members about the rights of wives and children? What benefit is tabligh to others when they don’t do tabligh to their own members?

Is tabligh restricted to Salaat and using the Miswaak?  I am not saying that these acts of ibaadah are unimportant. But, it appears that the tabligh people know nothing about Islam other than speaking a lot of  ‘yaqeen’, etc. But practically they are very neglectful of the laws of the Shariat. Is it proper for a man to go in tabigh, but not support his children?


Unfortunately, there is much ignorance prevailing in all strata of Muslim life. The Tabligh Jamaat people, the Darul Uloom people, the Jamiatul Ulama people, and the Khaanqah people of this age have lost the Straight Path of the Deen. They emphasize their specific sphere of activity while ignoring the larger picture of the Shariat.

If a man does not have sufficient funds to support his family, then it is haraam for him to use the small amount he has for travelling with the Tabligh Jamaat. He has to remain at home, work and support his family. He may participate in the local Jamaat programmes which do not require money.

The injustices which Tabligh Jamaat men render to their wives and children have become a universal problem. They have become one-tracked in their thinking. They appear to be incapable of understanding that the Shariah does not deal with only Salaat and Saum. Every department of life is subject to the ahkaam (laws) of the Shariah.

A man’s first and most important Tabligh is to his family.  But almost all of them neglect their families and pretend to be great muballigheen travelling around and adopting a holier than thou attitude when they address gatherings. They not only forget, but deliberately plug their ears when the following naseehat of Allah Ta’ala is mentioned:

“O People of Imaan! Save yourselves and your families (wives and children) from the Fire whose fuel is men and stones.”

Generally, we have seen that there is no barkat in the lives of  those Tablighis who  commit injustices to their families. While they will speak loudly and much about ‘yaqeen’, there is not  a semblance of yaqeen in their own lives.

Another evil which we have observed in many members of the Jamaat, is their reckless disregard  when it comes to paying debts. They plead poverty and  have no money to pay debts, but they have money to travel around. People in debt should not  go on Tablighi journeys as long as they have not settled their debts. They should work, pay their debts, support their families, and then if they have surplus funds, sufficient for the journey and  for their families during their absence, will it be permissible to participate in a tabligh journey.

Furthermore, if they have no  trustworthy mahram male to  take care of their families  during their absence, then it  will not be permissible  to go on a tabligh jamaat journey.  Allah Ta’ala has endowed  the Mu’min with sound Aql. If he does not employ his intelligence correctly within the bounds of the Shariah, his Aql will then not only atrophy, but his thinking will retrogress and his whole outlook in life will become corrupt regardless of how long he participates in Tabligh Jamaat activities.

This  applies not only to the Tabligh Jamaat people. It also applies to the Khaanqah people of today. We are aware of so-called khalifahs, whose financial dealings are absolutely corrupt and putrid. Their dealings with   people and their families are rotten to the core. They are scoundrels who rob and fraud in the name of the Deen, yet they  proudly call themselves Ulama, Shaikhs and  Khalifahs. In this age, one has to be exceptionally careful before getting hooked to a ‘khalifah’. These people  dupe, mislead and  rob  their mureeds, and all of this thuggery in the name of the Deen!

The type of naseehat we offer  annoys and offends people, i.e. such people who believe that they are Deeni personnel, e.g. Tablighis, people of the Khaanqas and people of the Darul Ulooms. The reason for their annoyance is takabbur (pride), lack of Taqwa and worldly desires being prominent in their hearts. If a man has genuine Taqwa, even if it is in small measure, he will never take offense when his errors and sins are pointed out to him. He will reflect, appreciate the naseehat and strive to improve his Deeni, moral and spiritual life. May Allah Ta’ala guide  us all, and may He save us from the evil lurking in our nafs and from the snares and ploys of shaitaan.

26 Zil Hajj 1436 (10 October 2015)




The following shocking revelation by a concerned Muslim of Benoni is a disgusting portrayal of the decades of fisq and fujoor of the ulama-e-soo’ of the Benoni Muslim Jamaat (BMJ), who have been running the Musjid and Madrasah affairs in Benoni.

“Assalamu alaykum,

In our town, (the town is Benoni – The Majlis) afternoon Madrassah classes are conducted in the Masjied complex. The classes are intermingled between boys and girls, some of whom are Baaligh.

Recently, a young girl and a boy were caught secluded in a toilet. The Ulama (the evil molvis of the BMJ – The Majlis) were shocked and outraged. (Shocked for what? They are the very causes of the zina, fisq and fujoor which have destroyed the morality of the pupils attending the madrasah-school. – The Majlis)

The girl was immediately expelled and the boy is also about to be expelled. (Why did they not expel the scoundrel boy also immediately? – The Majlis)

Some Ulama (of the BMJ) suggested that the boys and girls be segregated as there are enough classrooms etc. Others are unwilling to take this step and maintain that segregating the girls from the boys will be difficult. (Leave alone calling these villainous thugs, ‘ulama’. Are they even Muslims? – The Majlis)

Many people in our town are shocked that even Zina is being committed in a Waqf premises and that too in the shadow of Allah’s House under the noses of Ulama. (The shock of the people is stupid. The people too are complicit in the ruin of the morals of their children. When even baaligh boys and girls are in the same classroom, what is expected? Do you expect churning out saints or immoral devils?

Some of us who are speaking out are branded as “Majlisi” and are regularly referred to as extremist by Radio Islam (Radio Shaitaan) etc. (All of these ‘some who speak out’ are spineless dumb devils to have maintained silence after making feeble sounds and offering muffled opposition. A hue and cry were necessary to bring the moral thugs of the BMJ to book and to their senses. For decades have they ruined the morality of generations of children with their haraam school and madrasah arrangement.

Our advice to the community of Benoni is to boot out the scoundrels who have allowed the moral rot and corruption to have reached this sewerage and gutter level where zina is committed right inside the madrasah premises in the Musjid complex. This is not an issue to hush-up or to sweep under the rug. The situation is absolutely rotten to the core just as rotten as the BMJ molvis are.

Of great concern is the absolute silence of The Jamiats and the senior Ulama.” (These Jamiats have degenerated into Satanism. They have lost all of their Islamic bearings. They are in fact the architects of fisq and fujoor. Expectation of any goodness emerging from these ulama-e-soo of these villainous jamiats is a distant pipe dream. They are sinking in the quagmire of filth and haraam which they have created for themselves –The Majlis)

this is the shiah religion by maulana khalid dorat




The Religion in Your Town – Read All about it….

It has come to our attention as concerned Ulamaa that deceptive preachers have been trying to spread a new and divisive religion in South Africa, intent on creating confusion and developing hatred amongst each other.

These preachers have Muslim sounding names, but what they are trying to slowly indoctrinate people into, is not Christianity, It’s not Judaism, It’s not Hinduism, and it’s definitely not Islam. Let’s see if YOU can guess what this religion is, based on their own stated beliefs:

v  They say they believe in God, but they say that:

v  He can and often makes mistakes

v  He can and often forgets

v  He plans but He is so incapable that often His plans don’t come into existence the way He planned

v  He revealed a book of guidance for people but no one has ever seen it as their leader is hiding away

with it for the last 1200 years in a cave that no one knows the location.

v  When He is angry He cannot differentiate between friends and enemies

v  He did not create everything that exists

v  They say they believe in the Prophets, but:

v  their leaders are higher than Prophets and are getting revelation directly from God

v  their leaders are the face of God, the eyes of God and the tongue of God amongst His creation

v  their leaders can make things allowed or not allowed as per their will

v  People are rewarded in this strange religion for:

v  Lying to and deceiving others

v  Giving their daughters and wives up for a practice similar to prostitution

v  Adultery and fornication

v  The following is amongst the things allowed according to their religion:

v  Looking at private parts of others

v  To let someone else have intercourse with his wife

v  Anal intercourse etc


Can you guess what the name of this devilish religion is?


Maybe you are familiar with some of these statements and you know what the religion is, but for those of you who are unaware, let me tell you that these are the beliefs of the evil…



These preachers of Shiasm will however not let you know that these are their beliefs. Of course not.

They will deny it as part of their practice of lying, they will appear as very friendly and helpful Muslims while they slowly indoctrinate you into their kufr belief system and take you out of the fold of Islam.

They do this by first creating a resentment and hatred towards the truthful scholars of Islam, the righteous Ulamaa of our country and the Madaaris and other institutions by identifying and magnifying small grievances that may exist, lying about the statements and talks of the Ulamaa and fabricating stories to support their false views.

Then they do the same about the Sahabah (RA), [the illustrious companions of the Prophet (SAW)]

Then they will tell you that the Quráan is not complete and it has been altered and the real one is with their Imam.

If you start to believe this, then by now you are on the verge of going out of the fold of Islam and becoming a Shia.


So be aware, don’t be duped…

Don’t fall for their programs that they arrange under false titles, health talks, sweet talks, “get togethers” etc. where they begin to poison your Imaan, targeted especially towards the ladies.


See below what else their practices and beliefs are and protect your Imaan:

  • Their Kalimah: La Ila Haa Illallahu Muhammadur Rasoolullahi Aliyun Waliyullahi Wasiyyu Rasulillahi Wa Khalifatuhu Bila Faslin
  • Their Azaan: Ash Hadu Anna – Alian Waliullah Wa Rasulullah wa Khalifatu hu bila faslin (Meaning: I bear witness that Ali (RA) is the Vicegerent of Allah and the Messenger of Allah and Allah’s Khalifa without a time interval)
  • What they say about the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam):
  • He (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was scared of the creation of Allah and did not propagate the Deen correctly.
  • The Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) asked for payment for teaching Islam
  • The Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) forgot Surahs of the Quran that were revealed to Him (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam)
  • Their fundamental belief of Imams:
  • they believe in 12 Imaams after Rasulullaah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam).
  • they believe the Imams are Masoom (innocent and sinless)
  • the Imams can change what is Halaal to Haraam and Haraam to Halaal
  • Imaams are higher in status than the Prophets including our Nabi Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
  • The Imams have more knowledge than the Prophets (A.S.)
  • They say if one does not believe the above about their Imaams then one is a Kaafir.
  • What they say about Ayesha (RA) who is one of the mothers of the believers and who has the honor of Allah confirming her chastity and purity in Qur’aan itself:
  • They say she is in Jahannam and she became a Murtad (disbeliever) after the passing away of the Prophet (SAW)
  • They say she poisoned the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) & that she committed adultery
  • What they say about the Sahabah (RA)
  • All of them became Murtad except a few
  • Abu Bakr (RA), Umar (RA) & Uthman (RA) usurped the Khilafat from Ali (RA) who was supposed to be the Khalifah (even though not a single person ever said this during their time)
  • What they say about the Muslims who do not believe in their falsehood
  • They say we are Kaafir, worse than dogs and swines
  • They say we are all illegitimate children, only the Shias are legitimate
  • They say the most dirty water is that left over by us
  • They say we are created from the soil of Jahannam and the Shias are created from the soil of Jannah
  • Their scholars say it is permissible to kill us and and take our wealth with no reason
  • What Hazrat Ali (RA) said about them
  • Addressing them directly he said: ““By Allah, how bad are you for igniting flames of war.”
  • Also to them directly: “I always apprehended from you consequences of treachery and I had seen through you in the garb of the deceitful.”
  • “They have no loyalty, nor any integrity in word or deed. They are in disagreement. They claim that their hearts are with us, but their swords are drawn against us.”
  • Other strange and hypocritical beliefs and practices:
  • The land of Karbala in Iran is better than the Kaabah and it is more virtuous to go there instead of Umra & Hajj
  • They say Salaat can be made in the direction of their “Imams” graves and in the direction of Karbala
  • They say the people of Madinah are 70 times dirtier than the people of Makkah
  • They love the jews, in fact it was a jew by the name of Abdullah Bin Saba who started this false religion
  • They say If you commit Mutah (temporary marriage which they use to justify adultery) four times you become higher in status than Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
  • Prophets make mistakes which eventually deprives them of Prophethood & Adam (A.S.) is worse than Shaitaan.


May Allah save us all from these Kufr beliefs and from these sweet talking preachers who are plotting day and night to rob us and our children of Imaan.


(All the above statements are taken from the Shia books themselves and therefore cannot be denied by them, references:


Usul Kafi- Babul badaa – Al- Kafi Vol- 1;

Kashful Asraar – 107 – Khomeni..;

Rijaal Kashsi . 138. India Print.;

Wahdat Islaami – June 84 P1- monthly Iranian Goverment. Periodical.;

Tafseer Ali Qummi-; Anwaar – Nomaan Niyyah Vol 2.;

Haqqul Yaqeen P342.;

Tahrirul Wasillah Vol-2;

Ujul – e- Hasana;

Tafseer Mianjajus Sadiqeen;

Tahdhidul Akaam;

Tafseer – al- Waseelah.;)

Muslim chaplain claims discrimination on United flight

Muslim chaplain claims discrimination on United flight
By Ray Sanchez, CNN
Updated 1258 GMT (1958 HKT) May 31, 2015
Tahera Ahmad

Source: CNN
Muslim woman claims discrimination on United flight 02:05
Story highlights
Tahera Ahmad says she was left in tears after being discriminated against
Ahmad says fight attendant denied her an unopened can, saying the can possibly could be used it as weapon
(CNN)A simple request for an unopened can of Diet Coke on a United Airlines flight left Tahera Ahmad in tears.

A Muslim chaplain and director of interfaith engagement at Northwestern University, Ahmad, 31, was traveling Friday from Chicago to Washington for a conference promoting dialogue between Israeli and Palestinian youth. She was wearing a headscarf, or hijab.

For hygienic reasons, she asked for an unopened can of soda, she said. The flight attendant told her that she could not give her one but then handed an unopened can of beer to a man seated nearby. Ahmad questioned the flight attendant.

“We are unauthorized to give unopened cans to people because they may use it as a weapon on the plane,” she recalled the flight attendant telling her.
When Ahmad told the flight attendant she was being discriminated against, the attendant abruptly opened the beer can.

“It’s so you don’t use it as a weapon,” Ahmad said she was told.

Shocked, Ahmad asked other passengers if they had seen what happened.

A man sitting across the aisle turned to her and yelled, “You Muslim, you need to shut the f— up,” she said.


The man leaned over, looked her in the eyes and said: “Yes, you know you would use it as a weapon. So shut the f— up,” according to Ahmad.

“I felt the hate in his voice and his raging eyes,” Ahmad wrote on Facebook while the plane was still in flight. “I can’t help but cry … because I thought people would defend me and say something. Some people just shook their heads in dismay.”

After her Facebook post, people took to social media in support of Ahmad using the #unitedfortahera hashtag. Some pledged to boycott United.

Suhaib Webb, a prominent Muslim American imam, tweeted, “I’m asking all of you to let @united know that you are disgusted with this bigotry.” He also tweeted a photo of a can of Diet Coke over #unitedfortahera.
In a statement, United spokesman Charles Hobart said the airline “strongly supports diversity and inclusion.”

“We and our partners do not discriminate against our employees or customers,” the statement said. “We are reaching out directly to Ms. Ahmad to get a better understanding of what occurred during the flight.”

“We are also discussing the matter that Ms. Ahmad describes with Shuttle America, our regional partner that operated the flight. We look forward to speaking with Ms. Ahmad and hope to have the opportunity to welcome her back.”

Ahmad, who has Premier frequent-flier status with United, said Saturday that she had not heard from the airline.

“I’m not doing this to go after United Airlines. This is about bigotry and racism and our country is going through a very difficult time right now. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and so many others worked so hard …” Ahmad said, breaking into tears.

“They strove so hard so that Americans would not mistreat each other on the basis of the color of their skin or religious or ethnic background but I guess we’re still on that journey.”

The flight attendant as well as the pilot later apologized, she said.

“She said she’s working on her rude behavior and that the man (sitting across the aisle) should not have said anything,” Ahmad recalled.

Ahmad was recognized at the White House last year “as a leading Muslim female in the United States” during Women’s History Month, according to Northwestern University. She had previously attended a Ramadan dinner hosted by President Barack Obama.

In 2013, Ahmad sparked outrage among Islamic conservatives when she became the first woman to recite the Quran at the Islamic Society of North America convention in Washington, the nation’s largest Muslim gathering, according to Northwestern.

Ahmad was born in India and grew up in Morton Grove, Illinois. She said she has been spat on and had her hijab ripped off in Islamophobic encounters after the September 11, 2001 terror attacks.

“This time I was being treated as a threat to everyone around me 30,000 feet above the ground and being told that I could use a can of Diet Coke as a weapon,” she said. “And no one said anything.”

The incident comes amid growing hostility toward Muslims living in the United States.

On Friday, protesters at a “Freedom of Speech” rally outside a Arizona mosque were met by counterprotesters. The two groups lined opposite sides of the street in front of the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix. They yelled at each other as a line of police officers kept them apart, CNN affiliate KNXV reported.

The Islamic center is the mosque once attended by Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi, who drove from Arizona to a Dallas suburb to shoot up a Prophet Mohammed cartoon contest there. Both were killed by police early this month. Many Muslims consider demeaning depictions of Mohammed to be blasphemous and banned by Islamic law.

In Washington, activist and conservative blogger Pamela Geller of New York wanted to place ads showing cartoons of Mohammed in the capital’s transit system. She hoped to display the winning cartoon from her group’s contest in Texas — the one where Simpson and Soofi were killed by police. The Washington Metro board voted to stop showing issue-oriented ads throughout its system.

Events such as this have some Muslims scared, said Imraan Siddiqi with the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

“Recently, the mosques here in Phoenix actually received threatening letters — very specific threats, saying that we are going to massacre your congregations,” he said.

In a national survey by the Pew Research Center in 2013, 42% of respondents said Islam was more likely than other religions to encourage violence among its believers. In addition, Muslim Americans are seen as facing more discrimination than other groups, including gays and lesbians, Hispanics, African Americans and women.

According to the survey, 45% of the respondents said Muslim Americans face “a lot” of discrimination, and 28% said Muslims are subject to some discrimination.

CNN’s Carma Hassan, Sara Sidner, Ed Payne contributed to this story.

killing muslims is not jihad


There is a strong, marked similarity between the establishment of the Saudi Arabian Salafi regime and the so-called ‘caliphate’ in Iraq. That similarity is that the fathers who gave birth to these two vile, illegitimate regimes are western Kuffaar. While the Saudi regime was established by Britain, the so-called caliphate in Iraq is the creation of the U.S.A. Every unbiased intelligent searcher of the Truth understands these facts of reality without the slightest difficulty.

When the Saudi regime was created on the ashes and ruins of the displaced Uthmaani (Ottoman) Khilaafate, the Saudi regime was given the green light by Britain to rule by the Shariah, and now that the U.S.A. has brought into existence the bogus ‘caliphate’ in Iraq, it has given the puppet caliph the green light to operate his version of the Shariah.

It should be understood that no puppet ‘Muslim’ regime can endure with only kuffaar monetary and military support. The fundamental requisite for enduring sustainment of a regime, the imperative need is foot soldiers on the ground. Without this support, the regime will not last. The only reservoir from which to draw such support is the ignorant masses. And, the method to gain a fighting ground force is to dangle the bait of Islam – the establishment of a Shariah state for which Jihad is necessary. But this bait is a vile chimera which stupid Muslims acting on emotion swallow.

The slogan of Jihad attracts Muslims. Jihad throbs in the hearts of Muslims. He in whose heart there is no Jihad is a munaafiq according to the Hadith. Thus, the Jihad slogan attracts Muslims like a magnet. Since the recruits are generally morons, they are unable to apply their minds constructively for ascertaining if the call is a genuine Call of Jihad, or a vile plot of the kuffaar to advance their global interests.

Ignorant, hence unable to distinguish between right and left, the juhala among theawaam acting purely on the basis of emotion, plunge into the cauldron of deception and conspiracy to further the  sinister objectives of the kuffaar, in this case of the bogus ‘caliphate’, the objectives of the U.S.A.

The other similarity between the creation of the two Salafi regimes – the Saudi regime and now the Baghdadi bogus ‘caliphate – is the common factor of brutality. Both these Salafi regimes resorted to mass massacres of Muslims, and Mr. Simon’s ‘caliphate, added non-Muslims to the list. According to the Saudi Salafis whom Britain had installed in Arabia, all non-Salafi  Muslims are kuffaar. They are mubaahud dam (their blood is halaal), and their women folk can be enslaved and taken for baandis.

The Saudi barbarians massacred thousands of Muslims. It was on the blood of Muslims that the Saudi Bedouins raised their ‘Islamic’ state. Thus, Allaamah Shaami said about the Saudi Salafis:

“……In our age, the followers of  Abdul Wahhaab who emerged from Najd, overwhelmed the Haramain and pretended to be the followers of the Hambali Math-hab, but in reality, they believed that only they are Muslims, and whoever opposes their beliefs are mushrikoon. Thus, they regarded as lawful killing the Ahlus Sunnah and killing their Ulama….”

Whilst the external facade of the Saudi Islamic state flaunted certain laws of the Shariah such as public floggings, beheadings, Hijaab, enforcement of Salaat, etc. they were actually the puppets of Britain in particular and of the kuffaar West in general. The seeds which Britain had sown and nourished are today in full bloom. Look at the condition of the ‘islamic’ state of Saudi Arabia and the backyard satellite Gulf States – all competing to out-westernized the West.

Just as the Saudi  regime  unleashed a reign of terror on Muslims by wholesale killing, so too  has ISIS duplicated the Saudi massacres by  large scale killing of  non-Salafi Muslims, and even Salafi Muslims of its own breed and creed, namely the members of Jabhatun Nusrah whose adversary the puppet ‘caliph’ had become after his renege  from that organization. The brutal achievements of ISIS are:

(1) Killing Iraqi Muslims (non-Salafis) who had refused to take the bay’t (oath of allegiance) at the hands of ‘Caliph’ Obama’s deputy, Mr. Simon alias ‘Bagdhadi’.

(2) Killing Kurd Muslims who are primarily Hanafis.

(3) Killing and uprooting the entire  Yazidi non-Muslim population which had inhabited  Iraq  for thousands of years including the entire duration of the four  periods of Islamic Khilaafate, viz., Khilaafat-e-Raashidah, Bani Umayya (the Omayyide Dynasty), Abbaasi Khilaafate (The Abbasides) and Uthmaani Khilaafate (Ottomans).

(4)  Killing and uprooting the Cjhristian population which had also enjoyed Muslim patronage since the very inception of Islamic Rule in Iraq from the time of Hadhrat Umar (radhiyallahu anhu).

(5)  The current concentration of  ISIS killing is Jabhatun Nusrah.

(6)  Luring young foreign Muslim girls to join its rubbish U.S. created  movement. This is one of the most despicable, cowardly exploits of ISIS. They claim to be the establishers of Shariah Law, yet they  lure young girls to flee from their homes – to abandon their parents and to travel without mahaareem. Only the slaves of carnal lust will degenerate to such a vile ebb of immorality. Their total moral and spiritual bankruptcy is well advertised by this shaitaani achievement.

The facts on the ground loudly testify that there is no Jihad in the Syrian-Iraqi arena today. Who is killing and who are being killed?  Muslims are killing Muslims. The  primary fight is now between ISIS and Jabhatun Nusrah. ISIS is killing only Muslims. As long as Jabhatun Nusra is not neutralized, ISIS will not be able to establish a viable American ‘caliphate’.

While the American puppet with his rodomontade attitude threatens to invade Spain and go after his creator, Obama – all said to befool morons – not a word is said about aiding Hamas or fighting the Yahood and freeing Baitil Maqdis. They do not even breathe a word about Baghdad right on their doorstep.

American aid for ISIS via Saudi Arabia and Jordan, and collusion with Assad of Syria, are open secrets. Even western kuffaar anti-Islam experts acknowledge that ISIS is a U.S. creation. Precisely for this reason has America withheld from any action against ISIS. If  ISIS was not an America’s puppet,  the ISIS capital of Raqqa would have been reduced to ruins by America just as it had done to the Kurd town of Kobane. But Raqqa is intact and flourishing, and that is where stupid foreigners find comfort. If ISIS was anti-America, by today Raqqa would have been in ruins, and Mr. Simon would have been history. The skies over there would have been infested with American drones if this whole miserable lot of crank ISIS ‘jihaadis’ were not morons acting in furtherance of American conspiratorial designs.

There is no Jihad in Iraq and Syria. They are running backwards and forward like bandits and gangsters, killing one another within a cocoon with marked frontiers established by the U.S. The internecine Muslim fighting is going on like a seesaw to the glee and satisfaction of the kuffaar, and Israel in particular. They operate within a region defined by the U.S.

1 Sha’baan 1436 – 20 May 2015

Allah is omnipresent


It is in fact obligatory to believe that Allah (azza wa jal) is “above the throne”, or “over the Heaven”. However, there is an unfathomable difference between the understanding of Ahlus Sunnah wa’l Jama’ah regarding such verses, and the understanding of the Salafi sect.

When we say Allah (azza wa jal) is above the throne, we do not assign Allah (azza wa jal) a specific direction and place, as the Salafis do. We consign its true kayfiyyah (modality) and meaning to Allah (azza wa jal). In exactly the same manner, we also believe in the verse that states that Allah is in the Earth (fi’l Ard). We also believe in the verse that states that Allah (azza wa jal) is closer to us than our jugular veins. We also believe in the verse that states that Allah (azza wa jal) is in the East and the West. We also believe in the verse that states that Allah (azza wa jal) is with us wherever we are. The sum total of all these verses is that Allah (azza wa jal) is everywhere (omnipresent). How and in what manner He (azza wa jal) is omnipresent are beyond our limited comprehension. We consign the true meaning of these verses to Allah (azza wa jal).

The Salafis expose their belief of Allah being in a specific direction and place, by singling out for a literal and spatial interpretation the verse regarding Allah being above the throne, whilst doing Ta’weel (interpretation) of all the other verses referred to above. Then in order to labour under the self-deception that they do not do Ta’weel, they re-brand such Ta’weel as the “Zaahir.”

In a similar manner do the salafis, who falsely claim to follow the Salaf-us-Saliheen, stupidly focus on the Hadith of the slave-girl pointing upwards, which none of the Salaf-us-Saliheen, or the later Fuqaha, have ever singled out or used as a criterion for Aqeedah. Their obsession over this particular Hadith also exposes thoroughly their actual belief that Allah (azza wa jal) is in the specific direction upwards and cordoned off in a specific place – explicitly called “makaan” by their Imams – and sat physically on the throne.

For a better understanding, take the following authentic Hadith as an example:

“When one of you stands in his prayer, he is in close conversation with his Lord or his Lord is between him and his qibla. Therefore no one should spit in the direction of his qibla” [Sahih Bukhari, Kitab al-Salah]

Now imagine some stupid salafi ‘mujtahid’, in the manner of Ibn Tayimiyyah, decides that he is able to be independent to some degree from the accepted Madh-habs of  Fiqh and Aqeedah, and that he is able to directly interpret this Hadith according to his puny, minuscule, and chaotically varying intellect. He decides to single this Hadith out, just as other Salafis single out the Hadith of the slave-girl, or the Verse of the Throne.

Thus this salafi ‘mujtahid’ declares that this Hadith must be taken upon its ‘Zaahir’ and he proclaims that Allah (azza wa jal) is in the direction towards the Ka’abah – otherwise what is the meaning of not being able to spit in that particular direction, and of Allah being between him and the Qiblah? When the other verses declaring Allah’s presence everywhere are also mentioned to him, he applies a typically salafi, selective and baatil Ta’weel to them, and he insists on Allah only being in the direction towards the Ka’bah. What will then be the logical conclusion of such twisted reasoning, other than pure anthropomorphism and subjecting Allah’s limitless presence to a specific direction and place?

This is exactly what the salafis do with regards to verses such as the one stating Allah’s presence above the Heaven.

Furthermore, the books the Salafis have themselves recently published, which contain the Aqeedah of their major Imams, leave absolutely no doubt regarding the anthropomorphic consequences of their moronic, baatil, and selective application of Ta’weel and ‘Zaahir’. Explicit statements of the Salafi Imams mention that Allah (azza wa jal) is actually ‘sitting’ (qu-ood) on the throne; that the throne is so vast that after Allah’s (azza wa jal) ‘sitting’, only a space of four fingers remain on throne; that Allah (azza wa jal) is able to sit upon the back of a mosquito and that fact in itself is a definite proof that Allah (azza wa jal) is settled upon the throne; that the top of a mountain is physically closer to Allah (azza wa jal) than its bottom; and numerous other deranged beliefs which amply expose the Kufr of their  Aqeedah, and also demonstrate most vividly the natural result of arrogating oneself the slightest independence from the accepted madh-habs of fiqh and aqeedah.

The fact that Ibn Taymiyyah and other Imams of the salafi sect, despite the vastness of their textual knowledge, were able to fall into such depraved beliefs of Kufr , which are now being propagated rabidly by all salafi mutations today around the world, is a manifest proof of the necessity of rigid taqleed.

Independence from rigid taqleed of the accepted madh-habs of fiqh and aqeedah is exclusive only to the Aimmah Mujtahideen of the Salaf-us-Saliheen. Disasters await anyone else – as it did to the Salafi Imams – who attempts to unfetter himself even slightly from these sacred shackles of Taqleed – a rigid adherence that is bound to the only valid interpretation of Qur’an and Sunnah, viz, the interpretation set in stone by the Aimmah Mujtahideen of the Salaf-us-Saliheen which have been transmitted to us reliably via the impenetrable fortresses of the 4 madh-habs of fiqh and the 2 madh-habs of Aqeedah.

To conclude, what the salafis believe with respect to Allah’s presence above the Throne, and Allah’s presence everywhere else, and what Ahlus Sunnah believe, are two vastly different beliefs.

17 Rajab 1436 – 7 May 2015

valencia college sued for forced vaginal exams

(CNN)Two college students say they were forced to submit to transvaginal probes as part of their classroom training to learn how to perform the medical procedure.

Barbara Ball is the program chair for the college's Medical Diagnostic Sonography Program.
Barbara Ball is the program chair for the college’s Medical Diagnostic Sonography Program.
Linda Shaheen is the clinical and laboratory coordinator for the Medical Diagnostic Sonography
Linda Shaheen is the clinical and laboratory coordinator for the Medical Diagnostic Sonography Program.
Maureen Bugnacki is named in the lawsuit as a laboratory technician in the program.
Maureen Bugnacki is named in the lawsuit as a laboratory technician in the program.
The details are outlined in a federal lawsuit filed Thursday in Orlando against Valencia College and three instructors. It alleges that medical diagnostic students at the college were forced to submit to the examination of their sexual organs under threat of having their grades reduced or of being blacklisted by future employers. The three defendants named in the lawsuit, Maureen Bugnacki, Linda Shaheen and Barbara Ball, have not responded to CNN’s requests for comment.

Peer physical examination is an accepted practice in the medical field, but several recent reports cited by the U.S. National Library of Medicine mention a growing need for clear policies regarding peer physical examination at medical schools.

The lawsuit claims that during orientation, the college “had a second year student … (nicknamed the ‘TransVag Queen’) explained the Medical Diagnostic Sonography Program’s faculty believed that students should undergo invasive transvaginal ultrasound procedures in order to become better sonography technicians.”

“Valencia positioned these transvaginal probes as voluntary, but its actual policy and practice was that they were not,” according to the lawsuit.

The suit also describes weekly probes for students in the program, saying they “endured these invasive probes without a modicum of privacy. Plaintiffs would disrobe in a restroom, drape themselves in towels, and traverse the sonography classroom in full view of instructors and other students.”

“A student would place a condom over the probe and then apply generous amounts of lubrication to the probe. In some cases, the student would have to sexually ‘stimulate’ plaintiffs in order to facilitate inserting the probe into plaintiffs’ vaginas,” the lawsuit alleges.

The suit says the women “experienced discomfort and embarrassment each time they had to endure this forced probing of their sexual organs.”

In one instance, according to the lawsuit, one of the defendants, Barbara Ball, made inappropriate comments to a student who was undergoing a probe. “Defendant Ball’s comments can only be described as bizarre during some of these forced probing sessions,” the lawsuit states.

“She allegedly approached one student … during a probing session and stated (she) was ‘sexy’ and should be an ‘escort girl’ (prostitute).” The suit says Ball’s behavior casts serious doubts upon her motivation for insisting upon the forced vaginal probing sessions. Barbara Ball joined Valencia College in 1998 and worked at nearby Arnold Palmer Hospital prior to then, according to the school’s website.

Attorney Chris Dillingham, who is representing the two women who filed the suit, said, “I filed the complaint in federal court because we are dealing with the government: Valencia State College. This is a constitutional federal rights claim. The vaginal probes and my client’s right to refuse them without retribution — their First and Fourth Amendment (right)s — were violated.”

Dillingham said his clients have endured significant suffering because of the forced probes. “Although it was stated in orientation it was voluntary, it became increasingly clear it was not. This is a very expensive program, these are young women. … I’m not a doctor but they have suffered significant psychological damage,” Dillingham said.

Carol Traynor, the public relations director for Valencia College, said the school has not been served with the lawsuit so would not be able to comment. However, with regard to Valencia’s diagnostic medical sonography associate degree program, the college issued the following statement:

“The use of volunteers — including fellow students — for medical sonography training is a nationally accepted practice. Valencia College’s sonography program has upheld the highest standards with respect to ultrasound scanning for educational purposes, including voluntary participation and professional supervision by faculty in a controlled laboratory setting. Nonetheless, we continue to review this practice and others to ensure that they are effective and appropriate for the learning environment.”

Chinese court jails Muslim for 6 years for growing beard, wife gets 2 years for wearing veil

Chinese court jails Muslim for 6 years for growing beard, wife gets 2 years for wearing veil
By AFP Published: March 30, 2015
BEIJING: A court in China’s mainly Muslim Xinjiang region has sentenced a man to six years in prison for “provoking trouble” and growing a beard, a practice discouraged by local authorities, a newspaper reported Sunday.
The court in the desert oasis city of Kashgar sentenced the 38-year-old Uighur to six years, while his wife was given a two-year sentence, according to the China Youth Daily.
The man “had started growing his beard in 2010″ while his wife “wore a veil hiding her face and a burqa”, the paper said.
Read: Malaysian chief judge’s racist remarks infuriate Pakistanis
The couple were found guilty of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”, a vague accusation regularly used in the Chinese judicial system.
For more than a year the authorities in Xinjiang have been campaigning against men growing beards – a practice officials associate with extremist ideas.
A campaign dubbed “Project Beauty” also encourages women to leave their heads bare and abandon wearing the veil, a relatively widespread practice among the Uighurs – the main Muslim ethnic group in Xinjiang.
The Kashgar couple had “received several warnings” before being charged, the newspaper reported, citing local officials.
“Since the beginning of the year, a certain number of people breaking the regulation on beards, veils and burqas have been prosecuted and sentenced,” officials in Kashgar were quoted as saying by the paper.
Kashgar authorities could not be reached for comment Sunday.
Rights groups believe Beijing’s repression of the Uighurs’ culture and religion has fanned tensions in Xinjiang, a resource-rich region that abuts central Asia.
Violence increased last year and at least 200 people were killed in a series of bombings and deadly clashes with security forces, blamed by Beijing on “separatists” and “religious extremists”.
In April last year authorities in Xinjiang’s Shaya county offered cash to informants to report on neighbours with excessive facial hair.
In August authorities in Karamay city banned people with large beards or Islamic clothing from travelling on public buses.
Shocked at the jail sentence rights group said in a statement that such a case would not happen in any other country.
“It is unacceptable and absurd. It exposes China’s hostile attitude and crisis of governance,” said spokesperson for the exile World Uyghur Congress.
He added that “If a Chinese person grows a beard, it is a personal fashion he is allowed to choose freely. If a Uighur grows a beard, he is a religious extremist.”

The 5 minutes madrassa/bayaan

25 Jamaadal Ula 1436

Madrasah in Just 5 Minutes

Translation edited by
Mufti A.H.Elias-May Allaah protect him

Khalifa of Haji Abdul Mannan Adul Razack Kulachi Makki- May Allaah protect him
In the light of the Qur’aan and Ahadeeth

(1) Islaamic History The plan to protect Madinah
It was in Shawwaal of the year 5 A.H. that Rasulullaah (SAW) received intelligence that the combined forces of the Mushrikeen and Jews were marching upon Madinah. When Rasulullaah (SAW) consulted with the Sahabah (RA), they suggested taking shelter in fortresses to thwart the attack. Hadhrat Salmaan Faarsi (RA) suggested the digging of a trench to guard against attack from cavalry. Rasulullaah (SAW) accepted the suggestion and the digging began. Rasulullaah (SAW) grouped the Sahabah (RA) in groups of ten to dig at specified locations and he himself put his hand to the shovel and assisted in the digging. They dug throughout the day and night. When a large boulder posed an obstacle too hard for the Sahabah (RA) to move, they summoned Rasulullaah (SAW). Rasulullaah (SAW) struck the boulder with his spade three times, causing it to crush to pieces. Each time he struck, he saw sparks in which Allaah showed him the kingdoms of Shaam, Iran and Yemen as good news that the Muslims were to conquer these lands. In six days, the 3000 devoted Sahabah (RA) dug a trench measuring 3km in length, 5 feet in width and 5 feet in depth.
(2) Allaah’s Power The mosquito
From the factory of His power and might, Allaah has created countless large and small creatures, none of which can be deemed as insignificant. If we ponder over the mosquito, we will be stunned at the creative might of Allaah. Sitting on the skin of a person, it manages to insert its snout right through the skin even though it appears to be a pipe and then sucks up as much blood as it pleases. This is yet another sign of the immense power of Allaah.
(3) A Fardh Performing Salaah standing up
Allaah says in the Qur’aan, “stand humbly (obediently and silently) before Allaah”.

[Surah Baqara, verse 238]

If a person has the ability to stand and perform Salaah, it will be Fardh (obligatory) for him to stand and perform his Fardh and Waajib Salaahs.

(4) A Sunnah The Masnoon Qiraa’ah for the Isha Salaah
Rasulullaah (SAW) used to recite the likes of Surah Shams during the Isha Salaah.                                                                                                                                      [Tirmidhi 309, from Hadhrat Buraydah (RA)]
(5) An Important Act and its Virtue Going to the Masjid morning and evening
Rasulullaah (SAW) said that whenever a person goes morning and evening to the Masjid for Salaah, Allaah prepares to host him in Jannah.

[Muslim 1524, from Hadhrat Buraydah (RA)]

(6) A Sin The warning against wearing the trousers beneath the ankles
Rasulullaah (SAW) said, “When a person from the times before you wore his lower garment beneath his ankles out of pride, Allaah caused him to sink into the earth and he will continue sinking until the Day of Qiyaamah.”

[Nasa’ee 5328, from Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Umar (RA)]

(7) This World Making the world one’s objective
Rasulullaah (SAW) said, “When a person makes this world his objective of life, Allaah will disperse all his affairs and place poverty and hunger before his eyes (he fears it all the time and worries what will happen to him. He will thus spend all his time in this worry) even though he will receive only that much of this world as is decreed for him. On the other hand, the person who makes the Aakhirah his objective, Allaah will gather all his affairs together, enrich his heart (fill his heart with contentment) and this world will fall at his feet in humility.”

[Ibn Maajah 4105, from Hadhrat Zaid bin Thaabit (RA)]

(8) The Aakhirah The condition of the Mu’min and the Kaafir on the Day of Qiyaamah
Allaah says in the Qur’aan, “On that day many faces shall be radiant, laughing and happy.(These will be the Mu’mineen destined for Jannah.) And (on the other hand) many faces will be dusty covered in darkness (gloomy with worry). These will be the sinful Kuffaar”.

[Surah Abas, verses 38-42]

(9) Cures from the Qur’aan and Rasulullaah (SAW) Treatment for sciatica
Hadhrat Anas (RA) reports that he heard from Rasulullaah (SAW) that the treatment for sciatica is to melt the rounded, protruding lump of fat from the tail of an Arab sheep, which is then to be made into three parts. Each part is then to be taken for three mornings thereafter.

[Ibn Maajah 3463]

(10) Qur’aanic Advice  
Allaah says in the Qur’aan, “O you who have Imaan! Obey Allaah, obey the Rasool r and do not invalidate your (good) deeds (by failing to complete them, by doing them incorrectly or by doing them to please someone other than Allaah)”.

[Surah Muhammad r, verse 33]

The 5 minute Bayaan

24 Jamaadal Ula 1436

Madrasah in Just 5 Minutes

Translation edited by
Mufti A.H.Elias-May Allaah protect him

Khalifa of Haji Abdul Mannan Abdul Razack Kulachi Makki- May Allaah protect him
In the light of the Qur’aan and Ahadeeth

(1) Islaamic History The Battle of Khandaq (the Trench)
When the Jews were expelled from Madinah, they settled in Khaybar and Wadi Qura. However, they were still boiling over with enmity for the Muslims and they sent 20 of their leaders to speak with the Quraysh of Makkah about destroying the Muslims. Kinaana bin Rabee promised half of the produce of Khaybar to the Banu Ghitfaan tribe for their assistance in battle. As a result, an allied army consisting of the Quraysh as well as the Banu Sulaym, the Banu Sa’d and several other tribes marched to Madinah with the intention of wiping out the Muslims.
(2) Rasulullaah (SAW)’s Miracle Rasulullaah (SAW) informs about a grave
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Amr (RA) reports that they passed by a grave with Rasulullaah (SAW) as they travelled to Taa’if. “This is the grave of Abu Righaal,” Rasulullaah (SAW) informed the Sahabah (RA), “He belonged to the nation of Thamud. The land of Makkah chased him off and he left. When he then reached this place the same punishment afflicted him as did afflict them and he was buried here. A sign that the grave is his is that a golden branch has been buried with him, which you will find if you dig up the grave.” When the Sahabah (RA) then dug it up, they found the branch there as Rasulullaah (SAW) had informed them.

[Dalaa’il 2555]

(3) A Fardh Distribution of inheritance
Rasulullaah (SAW) said, “Distribute inheritance amongst the rightful heirs as commanded by the Book of Allaah.”

[Muslim 4143, from Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas (RA)]

When a person passes away and leaves some wealth behind, it will be Waajib (compulsory) to distribute this wealth amongst his heirs. It is not permissible to deprive any of the rightful heirs from their shares without valid reason in the Shari’ah and it is also not permissible to give any of them less than they deserve.

(4) A Sunnah The Du’aa for stopping heavy rains
Hadhrat Anas (RA) reports that Rasulullaah (SAW) recited the following Du’aa to stop torrential rains:


اَللّٰهُمَّ حَوَالَيْنَا وَلَا عَلَيْنَا

TRANSLATION: O Allaah! Let the rains fall around us and not upon us.

[Bukhaari 1013]

(5) An Important Act and its Virtue Entertaining guests
Rasulullaah (SAW) said that when a person offers a pillow to his guest when he visits him, Allaah will forgive his sins.

[Tabraani in his Sagheer 762, from Hadhrat Salmaan (RA)]

(6) A Sin Rejecting the truth
Allaah says in the Qur’aan, “We granted them (the Aad) powers (immense physical strength) that We never gave you people (or any other before or after them) and We gave them (physical and spiritual) ears, eyes and hearts (with which they were able to hear, see and accept the truth of Towheed). However, their ears, eyes and hearts were of no benefit to them at all because they rejected Allaah’s Aayaat and (eventually) the (punishment for the) mockery they made (of Allaah’s Deen and Nabi) encompassed them (allowing them no escape)”.

[Surah Ahqaaf, verse 26]

(7) This World Love for wealth and children
Allaah says in the Qur’aan, “Rivalry in amassing wealth has made you negligent (heedless of fulfilling Allaah’s commands) and this rivalry will continue making you negligent) until you reach the graves (when you die). Never! (This rivalry will not benefit you!) Soon you will come to know (the errors of your ways)! Never! (This rivalry will certainly not benefit you, but) You will soon come to know”.

[Surah Takathur, verses 1-4]

(8) The Aakhirah The desire to perform Salaah in the grave
Rasulullaah (SAW) said, “When the deceased is laid in the grave and it appears to him that the sun is about to set, he will sit up, rub his eyes and say, ‘Let me now perform my Salaah.’”

[Ibn Maajah 4272, from Hadhrat Jaabir (RA)]

(9) Cures from the Qur’aan and Rasulullaah (SAW) Preventing headaches
Rasulullaah (SAW) said that washing the feet with cool water after coming out of the bath prevents headaches.

[Kanzul Ummaal 8296 from Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah (RA)]

(10) Advice from Rasulullaah (SAW)  
Rasulullaah (SAW) said, “Always speak the truth because the truth leads to good and good leads to Jannah. Refrain from lies because lies lead to sin and sin leads to Jahannam.”

[Tabraani 16259, from Hadhrat Mu’aawiya (RA)]

Steroid, interferon, hidden in unani medicines from Hamdard and Qarshi

 Assalaamu alykum.


Below is and article which shocked me but confirmed i had suspected a long time.

The big name brand  for unani medicine Qarshi and Hamdard are well known to lace their preparations with synthetic steroids to claim much more money and patients and popularity.,

This practice is being done as well by local hakeems who prepare their own medicines. As we did not know much about hikmat we believed our friends who told us he is a great hakeem and his medicine is pure and home made and free from steroids. sadly the truth was  a suffering and differnt story. the health of my whole family has been destroyed by this quack and the products w\e switched to to avoid hakeems , not knowing that steroids are hidden in it.

by now i know reactions of our bodies toward steroids. and again we seem to have fall victim to another hakeem who makes medicines himself and sates he does not use steroids. my experience here, in Karachi , is that the hakeems make one purposely sick  to keep you as a patient and then claim victory over the so bad illness. while many problems could be avoided and just the tons of  salt, licorice and sugar and preservatives left out their medicines and a realistic approach toward diet plans and nutrition would be held.

Our last hakeem claimed i need at least 6 month treatment( without checking pulse, blood pressure, lab tests, etc, without checking me he blurred out what i have which turned out was not really the problem) to get all the steroids out my body to cure my weak liver, anemia, etc. but what did he do. he pumped me full with salt, sodium, sugar, licorice, diuretics and a severe restricted diet and no allowance of supplements to supply the severe short comings. when i told him i don’t get better and worse in many ways , he simply kicked us out his office. i stopped his medicines, supplied mty much needed nutrients, changed my diet to alkaline a b it more, left out salt, etc, and lo i got much better.


Sadly the long term damage of steroids in the medicine and previous daily treatment with steroids for breathing problem during pregnancy, cant be cured….


i can  not recommend hospital visits , neither homeopathic and unani doctors her in pakistan


I went to another well recommend hakeem this time who has a beard and prays for a change and has no ty\v. pics. or magazines of prostitutes, and cooking channel in his office running, as i had pain in my liver and severe acid reflux, which some diet changes and supplement may have triggered.

Now i feel as the last time when steroids were found in the medicine. horrible.and the wrong diet approach again leaving me with asthma attacks and sever panic attacks, high blood pressure, water retention, etc. all i just got rid of myself..

Me and my family fell victim to one such l hakeem who treated us for 3 years .

My family and me had to go through all those suffering to find out about all those horrid things and to learn from our mistakes and to aplly diet and sunnat even more precise



Ministry unmoved over misuse of steroids, Interferon

ISLAMABAD: The Ministry of National Health Services is alleged to have been involved in safeguarding the commercial interests of certain mafia and pharmaceutical firms at the cost of millions of human lives in Pakistan.


Besides other major wrongs and alleged criminalities, the ministry is blamed by none else but the state’s top anti-corruption watchdog — the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) — for allowing the marketing of a Hepatitis-C injection for anti-dengue fever.


Adding insult to injury, the said injection is manufactured from the “laboratory grade” material, which is not safe for human consumption.“Allegedly, this action is taken to promote the commercial interests of the firm with mala fide intent,” the NAB said in its seven-page letter to the ministry.


The ministry is also accused of keeping silence when steroids are being used injudiciously and irrationally in Herbal, Unani and Ayurvedic medicines. It is said 5,500 kgs of cortisone steroids have been imported and are being used by the alternative medicine manufacturers.


The ministry spokesman and officials concerned, when approached, said the NAB letter contained issues which were partly true and partly untrue. The spokesman said the ministry was presently ascertaining the facts and would soon respond to the letter.


Regarding the authorisation of substandard Hepatitis-C medication for anti-dengue fever use, the CEO of Drug Regulatory Authority said though the ministry had never authorised it yet it was being probed if the patients were being prescribed the Hepatitis-C medication for dengue fever.


About the standard of the said Hepatitis-C medicine, the official said the case was being reviewed to conclude if the NAB information was correct or not.About the use of steroids for alternative system of medicines, the ministry spokesman and the CEO DRA said there had been no regulatory mechanism for alternative system of medicines.


In Nov 2012, it is said, a law was enacted to regulate the alternative system of medicines for which the ministry was presently evolving a detailed mechanism.


The NAB, which is presently investigating this unique but serious case of corruption risking millions of human lives, noted with concern: “The Ministry is under tremendous pressure of pharmaceutical firms and hence is working to safeguard the commercial interest of certain mafias.”


It added, “Interest of the public at large is being severely compromised.”The ministry is advised to ensure that its officials are protected from the direct contact of the representatives of pharma industry.


The NAB letter also revealed: “It is learnt that Interferon prepared by Mector Company for Hapatitis-C (Liver patients) is now being marketed for the anti-dengue fever after approval of the ministry.


“Allegedly, this action has been taken to promote the commercial interests of the firm with mala fide intent. It is further alleged that the subject Interferon is manufactured from the ‘laboratory grade’ material which is not safe for the human consumption.


“In this serious matter relating to public health, the ministry is advised by the NAB to take immediate remedial and punitive action as per law.


“The ministry is also asked by the NAB to inquire into the matter and proceed against the officials concerned who had issued NOC without caring for the damages it may case to the masses.”


The NAB also pointed out that cortisone steroids were being used injudiciously and irrationally in Herbal, Unani and Ayurvedic medicine preparations whereas the ministry is silent on the issue which can be termed “criminal negligence”.


“It is also reported that 5,500 kgs of cortisone steroids are imported and being used by the alternative medicine manufacturers, including Hamdard and Qarshi,” the NAB letter said.


In this matter, the NAB advised the ministry to direct the Federal Inspectors of Drugs and provincial governments to take immediate measures ensuring that no medical store sells alternative medicines containing irrational contents of cortisone steroids.


The NAB has sought from the ministry the details of biological registrations issued to Hilton Pharma, Scotman and Gets Pharma for the last three years. The names of the officials, who had approved the cases of these companies, were also sought by the NAB.


Senior spokesman for the ministry, when approached, said the ministry was presently in the process of reforming the health sector, which includes regulating the alternative medicine system.


He said the Drug Regulatory Authority had been set up adding that it was a huge task to register thousands of alternative medicines besides registering each and every Hakeem and other alternative medical practitioners.


The CEO Drug Regulatory Authority said the NAB report was under review of the ministry, which was presently investigating different issues raised in it.


About the NAB’s contention that the ministry was controlled by the pharma companies, he said this was a wrong perception and added that institutions and business concerns everywhere in the world worked like partners with the basic mandate of patient care.



Once again Dog meat sold as mutton in Karachi- so avoid ready backed and prepared meat

KARACHI: Dead dogs were being skinned in a garbage dump by drug users, the Karachi director of veterinary services has clarified to The Express Tribune after news broke of arrests.

On Monday television channels reported that the police had arrested two butchers for supposedly selling dog meat.

“Private television channels were misreporting the facts,” Imran Qadeer, the KMC director of veterinary services, told The Express Tribune. “Actually, it was our veterinary teams who raided the area on a tip-off, but discovered nothing.”

“It’s not the Philippines where people eat dogs,” he added.

It was reported earlier that police had raided the area and caught two butchers red-handed for slaughtering dogs in a building.

It was said that the suspects reportedly belonged to a group that has been doing this for three months.

The police were said to have seized at least 0.5kg of meat for testing.

It was reported that the suspects would appear in court tomorrow (March 3).

Reportedly, the group slaughters as many as seven street dogs every day and sells them in Korangi and Landhi.

In a related incident, on January 6, Multan police claimed to have arrested two butchers with donkey meat.

Read: Quality control: Two arrested for selling donkey meat

A police spokesperson had said the meat was to be sold for Eid Milad celebrations. He added that the butchers, identified as Basaar and Ramazan, had been selling the meat for over five years.

An FIR was registered against them after veterinary doctors inspected the meat and confirmed that it was donkey meat.

Police had claimed that the men had confessed that they were planning to sell it for Rs800 to Rs1,000 per kg.

“The meat had been mixed with mutton so that it could not be identified,” the spokesman had added.

KP/Pakistan Government arrest parents who chose not to vaccinate their children

PESHAWAR: Police in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa have arrested more than 450 parents for refusing to vaccinate their children against polio, officials said on Monday.

{ at fist they cut of all electric and gas supply if parents refuse to vaccinate their children, which is by the way a freedom of choice and command of Islam . So why does this Government  act against the Pakistani constitution  by prohibiting one to practice ones religion freely . In Islam the use and sale of haraam and harmful substances are prohibited!)


see below the haraam and harmful ingredients in oral anti polio  and other routine  vaccines:

Vaccine Ingredients & Side Effects

Educate Before You Vaccinate

Vaccines are created with a long list of ingredients.  These ingredients can often have potent side effects, both alone and in combination.

by multiple manufacturers
partial list in one or more vaccines
Side Effects**
including a partial list of reactions, events & reports*
DTaP (Daptacel) Aluminum phosphate, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, 2-phenoxyethanol Vomiting, redness or swelling, fever, tiredness or poor appetite, seizures, serious allergic reaction, brain damage (very rare).
DTaP (Infanrix) Aluminum hydroxide, bovine extract, formaldehyde, sodium chloride, glutaraldhyde, polysorbate 80 Fever, vomiting, redness or swelling, tiredness or poor appetite, seizures, serious allergic reaction, pain, shock.
DTaP (Tripedia) Aluminum potassium sulfate, ammonium sulfate, bovine extract, formaldehyde, gelatin, peptone, polysorbate 80, sodium phosphate, thimerosal Redness or swelling, tiredness or poor appetite, vomiting, fever, seizures, allergic reaction, erythema, persistent crying.
DTaP-HepB-IPV (Pediarix) Aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, calf serum, lactalbumin hydrolysate, formaldehyde, glutaraldhyde, neomycin sulfate, sodium chloride, polymyxin B, polysorbate 80, yeast protein Drowsiness, fainting, irritability, fever, swelling, joint pain, body aches, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, upper respiratory tract infection, shock, brachial neuritis.
Hib vaccine (ACTHib) Ammonium sulfate, formaldehyde, sucrose, thimerosal Fever, diarrhea, erythema, tenderness, swelling, irritability, loss of appetite, sleepiness, seizures, vomiting.
Hib (PedvaxHib) Aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, sodium chloride Fever, diarrhea, erythema, tenderness, swelling, irritability, loss of appetite, sleepiness, seizures, vomiting.
Hib/Hep B (Comvax) Amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, amino acids, dextrose, formaldehyde, hemin chloride, mineral salts, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, potassium aluminum sulfate, sodium borate, soy peptone, yeast protein Extreme drowsiness, fainting, irritability, fever, swelling, diarrhea, loss of appetite, mild vomiting, joint pain, body aches, seizures, ear infections, upper respiratory infection, yeast infection, anaphylaxis.
Hepatitis A vaccine (Havrix) Aluminum hydroxide, amino acid supplement, formalin, MRC-5 cellular protein, neomycin sulfate, phosphate buffers, polsorbate 20 Fever, drowsiness, loss of appetite, irritability, allergic reaction (very rare).
Hepatitis A vaccine (Vaqta) Amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, bovine albumin or serum, formaldehyde, MRC-5 cellular protein, sodium borate, sodium chloride Fever, erythema, drowsiness, loss of appetite, irritability, allergic reaction (very rare).
Hepatitis B vaccine (Engerix-B) Aluminum hydroxide, phosphate buffers, yeast protein, sodium chloride, sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate Fever, insomnia, hypotension, abdominal pain, stiffness, drowsiness, loss of appetite, irritability.
Hepatitis B vaccine (Recombivax) Amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, amino acids, dextrose, formaldehyde, mineral salts, potassium aluminum sulfate, soy peptone, yeast protein Soreness, mild fever, diarrhea, fatigue/weakness, loss of appetite, respiratory illness, insomnia.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) (Cervarix) Aluminum hydroxide, amino acids, lipids, mineral salts, sodium dihydrogen phosphate dehydrate, sodium chloride, type 16 viral protein L1, type 18 viral protein L1, vitamins Pain, redness, and swelling, fatigue, fever, gastrointestinal symptoms, headache, arthralgia, myalgia, urticaria.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) (Gardasil) Amino acids, amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, carbohydrates, L-histidine, mineral salts, polysorbate 80, sodium chloride, sodium borate, vitamins, yeast protein Headache, easy bruising or bleeding, weakness, fever, chills, body aches, nausea, vomiting, insomnia, erythema, pruritus.
Influenza vaccine (Afluria) Beta-propiolactone, calcium chloride, dibasic sodium phosphate, egg protein, sodium chloride, monobasic potassium phosphate, monobasic sodium phosphate, neomycin sulfate, polymyxin B, potassium chloride, sodium taurodeoxychoalate, thimerosal (multi-dose vials only) Tenderness, pain, redness, and swelling. headache, malaise, muscle aches, irritability, rhinitis, fever, cough, loss of appetite, vomiting/diarrhea, headache, muscle aches , sore throat, seizures.
Influenza vaccine (Fluarix) Formaldehyde, gentamicin sulfate, hydrocortisone, octoxynol-10, a-tocopheryl hydrogen succinate, polysorbate 80, sodium deoxycholate, ovalbumin Pain, swelling, redness, muscle aches, fatigue, headache, irritability, loss of appetite, and drowsiness, fever, shivering, arthralgia.
Influenza vaccine (Flulaval) Formaldehyde, a-tocopheryl hydrogen succinate, polysorbate 80, sodium deoxycholate, thimerosal, ovalbumin Pain, redness, swelling, fatigue, headache, muscle aches/arthralgia, irritability, drowsiness, loss of appetite, malaise, sore throat, cough, chills, chest tightness.
Influenza vaccine (Fluvirin) Beta-propiolactone, egg protein, neomycin, nonylphenol ethoxylate, polymyxin, thimerosal (multi-dose containers), thimerosal[2] (single-dose syringes) Pain, Inflammation, Ecchymosis, Edema, Hemorrhage, Headache, Fatigue, Malaise, Myalgia, Fever, Arthralgia, Sweating, Erythema, Swelling, Induration, Pruritus, Shivering.
Influenza vaccine (Fluzone) Egg protein, formaldehyde, gelatin (standard formulation only), octylphenol ethoxylate (Triton X-100),sodium phosphate, thimerosal (multi-dose containers only) Tenderness, erythema, swelling, induration, ecchymosis, fever, vomiting, abnormal crying, drowsiness, loss of appetite, irritability, pain, pruritus, headache, malaise, myalgia.
Influenza vaccine (FluMist) Arginine, dibasic potassium phosphate, egg protein, ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid, gentamicin sulfate, hydrolyzed porcine gelatin, monobasic potassium phosphate monosodium glutamate, sucrose, ovalbumin Runny nose or nasal congestion, fever, sore throat, wheezing, decreased appetite, irritability, lethargy, headache, muscle aches, chills, cough.
Meningococcal vaccine (Menactra) Formaldehyde, ammonium sulfate, phosphate buffers Tenderness, erythema, swelling, irritability, abnormal crying, drowsiness, appetite loss, vomiting, fever, induration, diarrhea, headache, fatigue, malaise, and arthralgia, rash, seizures.
Meningococcal vaccine (Menomune) Lactose, sodium chloride, thimerosal (multi-dose vial only) Pain, tenderness, erythema, induration, headaches, malaise, chills, fever.
Meningococcal vaccine (Menveo) Amino acids, formaldehyde, yeast extract Headache, tenderness, erythema, irritability, sleepiness, persistent crying, change in eating habits, vomiting, diarrhea, pain, induration, malaise, myalgia, nausea.
MMR vaccine (MMR-II) Amino acids, fetal bovine serum, glutamate, hydrolyzed gelatin, neomycin, sodium chloride, recombinant human serum albumin, sodium phosphate, sorbitol, sucrose, vitamins Fever, headache, dizziness, malaise, irritability, diarrhea, vomiting, parotitis, nausea, arthralgia, myalgia, edema, thrombocytopenia, arthritis, panniculitis, encephalopathy, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, seizures, ataxia, polyneuritis, paresthesia.
MMRV vaccine (ProQuad) Bovine calf serum, dibasic potassium phosphate, dibasic sodium phosphate, human albumin, human serum albumin, hydrolyzed gelatin, dibasic potassium phosphate, monosodium L-glutamate, sodium chloride, MRC-5 cellular protein, neomycin, sodium bicarbonate, sorbitol, sucrose, potassium chloride Pain, tenderness, soreness, swelling, irritability, fever, measles-like rash, seizures, erythema, ecchymosis, upper respiratory infection, viral exanthema, diarrhea, rhinorrhea.
Pneumococcal vaccine (Pneumovax) Bovine protein, phenol Pain, soreness, tenderness, swelling, induration, headache, erythema, asthenia, fatigue, myalgia, chills, upper respiratory infection, chest pain, depression, tremors, stiffness, sweating.
Pneumococcal vaccine (Prevnar) Aluminum phosphate, ammonium sulfate, casamino acid, polysorbate 80, succinate buffer, yeast Irritability, tenderness, decreased appetite, decreased sleep, increased sleep, fever, redness, pain, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, swelling, limitation of arm movement, chills, rash, bronchiolitis, gastroenteritis, pneumonia.
Polio vaccine (IPV – Ipol) Calf serum protein, formaldehyde, neomycin, 2-phenoxyethanol, polymyxin B, streptomycin Erythema, induration, pain, fever, irritability, sleepiness, fussiness, persistent crying, swelling, loss of appetite, vomiting, tenderness.death, paralysis
Rotavirus vaccine (RotaTeq) fetal bovine serum, sodium citrate, sodium phosphate monobasic monohydrate, sodium hydroxide, sucrose, polysorbate 80 Diarrhea, vomiting, irritability, otitis media, nasopharyngitis, bronchospasm, bronchiolitis, gastroenteritis, pneumonia, fever, urinary tract infection, allergic reactions, and a serious problem called intussusception, which may be indicated by: vomiting, bad diarrhea, severe stomach pain, and blood in the stool.
Rotavirus vaccine (Rotarix) Amino acids, dextran, sorbitol, sucrose sodiumchloride, potassium chloride, magnesium sulfate, ferric (III) nitrate, sodium phosphate, sodium pyruvate, D-glucose, concentrated vitamin solution, L-cystine, L-tyrosine, L-glutamine, calcium chloride, sodium hydrogenocarbonate, phenol red, PCV-1, calcium carbonate, sterile water, xanthan. Fussiness, irritability, cough, runny nose, fever, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, Kawasaki disease, and intussusception, which may be indicated by: vomiting, bad diarrhea, severe stomach pain, and blood in the stool.
Tdap vaccine (Adacel) Aluminum phosphate, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, 2-phenoxyethanol, casamino acids, dimethyl beta-cyclodextrin, ammonium sulfate, phenoxyethanol Pain, swelling, erythema, headache, body aches, muscle weakness, tiredness, fever, chills, sore joints, nausea, lymph node swelling, diarrhea, vomiting, rash, edema, hypotension, muscle spasms, Guillain Barré syndrome, brachial neuritis.
Tdap vaccine (Boostrix) Aluminum hydroxide, bovine extract, sodium chloride, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, polysorbate 80 Pain, redness or swelling at the injection site, fever, headache, tiredness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomachache, chills, body aches, sore joints, rash, gastrointestinal symptoms, allergic reaction (rare).
Varicella vaccine (Varivax) Dibasic sodium phosphate, ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid sodium (EDTA), fetal bovine serum, gelatin, glutamate, monobasic potassium phosphate, monobasic sodium phosphate, monosodium L-glutamate, MRC-5 DNA and cellular protein, neomycin, sodium chloride, phosphate, potassium chloride, sucrose Headache, Varicella-like rash, fatigue, cough, myalgia, disturbed sleep, nausea, diarrhea, chills, eye complaints, loss of appetite, itching, vomiting, constipation, rashes, respiratory illness, cold/canker sore, seizures, secondary bacterial infections.
Zoster (Shingles) vaccine (Zostavax) Bovine calf serum, sodium chloride, dibasic sodium phosphate, hydrolyzed porcine gelatin, monosodium L-glutamate, MRC-5 DNA and cellular protein, monobasic potassium phosphate, neomycin, potassium chloride, sucrose Redness, soreness, swelling or itching at the site of the injection, headache, rash, erythema, pruritis, warmth, hematoma, induration.

* This is a partial ingredient list with information from “Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary, Part 2, Excipients included in U.S. Vaccines, by Vaccine.”  The information was accessed in November 2008

** This list contains a combination of many adverse post-vaccination occurrences, and possible occurrences, that have been published in the manufacturer’s own documents.  Any use of [brackets] is information added by Generation Rescue. This list may not contain all adverse occurrences; it may contain typographical errors, and it does not take the place of reading the manufacturers’ most current documents in their entirety.

Riaz Khan Mehsud, deputy commissioner of Peshawar told AFP that 471 parents were detained and sent to jail for refusing the vaccine.

Read: Arrest warrants issued over refusal of polio vaccination: K-P police

Pakistan is one of only three countries in the world where polio remains endemic but years of efforts to stamp it out have been badly hit by reluctance from parents, opposition from militants and attacks on immunisation teams.

The virus is most prevalent in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and a fresh immunisation drive began on Monday aimed at vaccinating more than 2.7 million children in the province.

The government declared “war” on polio last year and Mehsud said officials would brook no refusal from parents.

“There is no mercy, we have decided to deal with the refusal cases with iron hands. Anyone who refuses (the vaccine) will be sent to jail,” Mehsud said.

Those arrested on Monday were from suburban areas of Peshawar where militant groups regularly attack police and polio workers and where opposition to vaccination is relatively strong.

Mehsud said authorities have issued 1,000 blank arrest warrants so refuseniks could be dealt with swiftly.

Muhammad Mumtaz, another senior official, confirmed the arrests and told AFP that the detainees would “be freed only after a written assurance and providing two guarantors” to ensure their children get the drops.

Taliban militants claim that the polio vaccination drive is a front for espionage or a conspiracy to sterilise Muslims. They stepped up their attacks after a Pakistani doctor was recruited by the CIA to set up a hepatitis immunisation drive as part of efforts to track down Al-Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden.

Read: Dr Shakil Afridi thrown to the wolves: lawyer

Last year, the number of polio cases recorded in Pakistan soared to 306, the highest in 14 years.

At least nine new cases have so far been detected in 2015.

A girl is far more responsible for rape than a boy, says Delhi bus rapist

One of the men involved in the 2012 Delhi gang rape has sparked outrage after claiming his victim was to blame for her sexual assault.

“A girl is far more responsible for rape than a boy,” Mukesh Singh said in an interview from jail, according to The Telegraph.

The gang rape of the 23-year-old woman on a moving bus in New Delhi had shocked the world and prompted protests from women in India seeking protection. But Singh said women who went out at night had only themselves to blame if they attracted the attention of gangs of male molesters.

Read: Probe into Delhi rape suspect’s death blames jail: Report

“You can’t clap with one hand – it takes two hands,” he said, in an interview for a BBCdocumentary.

Not remorseful for his action, Singh shifting blame on the victim herself for the act said, “A decent girl won’t roam around at 9 o’clock at night. A girl is far more responsible for rape than a boy. Boy and girl are not equal. Housework and housekeeping is for girls, not roaming in discos and bars at night doing wrong things, wearing wrong clothes. About 20 per cent of girls are good.”

Read: Court again defers verdict in Delhi gang rape case

Further, describing the killing as an ‘accident’, Singh said, “When being raped, she shouldn’t fight back. She should just be silent and allow the rape. Then they’d have dropped her off after ‘doing her’, and only hit the boy.”

He elaborated if Jyoti and her male friend who she was going back home with, not resisted the attempt he and his five other gang members would not have beaten her up leading to her death.

Singh, a slum-dweller who was 26 at the time of the attack, was driving the bus when the abduction occurred and denied involvement in the attack itself. However, the court rejected his claims adding there was strong DNA evidence against him and he could have stopped the act.

Read: New Delhi gang rape: Who can change the attitude of such men?

With his death sentence currently on appeal, Singh said the executions will only further put lives of future rape victims at risk.

“The death penalty will make things even more dangerous for girls,” he says. “Before, they would rape and say, ‘Leave her, she won’t tell anyone.’ Now when they rape, especially the criminal types, they will just kill the girl. Death,” he said.