Typhoid infection natural remedies

Typhoid infection was, and still is, a problem for people all over the world. However, we now know what causes typhoid, and we have methods of successfully treating its symptoms. Typhoid fever ravaged the ranks of soldiers during the American Civil War. Typhoid infection natural remedies can help control the symptoms of typhoid, and diarrhea.

Cause of typhoid infection

In order to understand a disease such as typhoid fever, you must first understand that diseases originate from bacteria, which are single-celled microorganisms. (The word “micro” means very small, and organisms are living creatures.) In essence, bacteria are incredibly tiny creatures that can be seen only with a microscope.

Typhoid fever is also known as enteric fever. The word “enteric” refers to the intestine. To cause disease, the bacteria must be swallowed. Once swallowed, the bacteria travel through the digestive tract and are engulfed by white blood cells called mononuclear phagocytes. The normal job of the phagocytes is to engulf and digest invading bacteria, fungal spores, and viruses. When large numbers of bacteria are ingested, many are able to bypass the phagocytes and get to the small intestine. Stomach acids usually kill ingested bacteria. However, people whose stomach acid is less effective than in healthy adults, including infants and the elderly, are at risk for contracting typhoid fever. Taking antacids, or medications that reduce stomach acidity increases the person’s chance of contracting the disease.

The typhoid bacteria enter the circulatory system before spreading to the liver, spleen, and lymph nodes. Inside the liver, spleen, and lymph nodes, the bacteria divide and eventually spread via the lymphatic system and bloodstream to most other organs of the body. Once they have invaded these other cells, the bacteria produce a wide range of symptoms.

Typhoid symptom: Fever

Typhoid fever has become the scourge of the present age, being found as characteristic symptoms of the pest and the small pox, to both of which it bears a close resemblance. It is in the air we breathe; it makes daily fresh victims and nothing can shelter us from its attacks; for can we avoid fatigues of body and mind, both of which evidently predispose the constitution to its attacks?

Most physicians maintain that typhoid fever is not contagious. This opinion is correct; and yet not absolutely so. This disease, at the height of its development, in the typhus stage, is decidedly contagious. The more it recedes from this stage the less it is contagious, and we may safely state, that typhoid fever, such as we find it in the present day, is not contagious.

As we have before mentioned, the difference of age has a great influence as regards the liability to contract this disorder. The age which it most clings to, is from fifteen to thirty years ; it is scarcely ever seen in subjects from to seventy years of age; at the age of seventy appear the adynamic fevers, but they are not typhoid, thé special intestinal lesion existing then no longer.

This lesion, which characterizes typhoid fever, and belongs solely to it, consists of a popular swelling of the glands of Peyer and the follicles of Bruner, followed by ulceration. It is the constant accompaniment of real typhoid fever

Typhoid symptom: Tongue color

Tongue only indicates the nature and extent of the typhoid infection. If the cerebral system is particularly attacked, the tongue is red, quivering; if it is the lung, the tongue is saburral; if it is the abdomen, the tongue becomes dry, black in the middle, red at the edges. These symptoms recur the oftenest and are the least deceptive.

Typhoid symptom: Nausea and vometing

Nausea and vomiting sometimes occur in the first stage, diminish as the disease progresses, and finally disappear when the adynamic stage has become well established. If they show themselves in the last stage, we may suspect the existence of a peritonitis from perforation.

The stomach is nearly always passive; patients do not complain of colics. One single symptom shows a deep lesion of the intestinal tube: it is very acute.

Typhoid infection natural remediesparsley for kidney treatment

Try these natural remedies to control or minimize the symptoms of typhoid infection.

Coriander Leaves

The leaves of coriander are stimulant and tonic. They strengthen the stomach and promote its action, relieve flatulence, increase secretion and discharge of urine and reduce fever. Coriander leaves also act as an aphrodisiac, help in the removal of catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tubes thereby counteracting any spasmodic disorders. Coriander seeds reduce fever and promote a feeling of coolness. Coriander juice is highly beneficial in deficiencies of vitamin A, Bl, B2. C and iron.


Celery likes sandy soils and needs good fertilizers. Eat it as a vegetable and collect the seeds. Celery is good against Cystitis, liver problems, and arthritis; the Seeds reduce blood pressureand cholesterol. Celery is rich in iron, vitamins A, B, and C.


One of the greatest natural antibiotics, it symbolizes strength and healing. Echinacea is a beautiful garden flower blooming in summer and autumn. Echinacea enhances the immune system and treats common cold and sore throat. It purifies the blood and fights typhoid fever. It contains glucose, iron, potassium, sulphur, and vitamins A, C, and E. However, do not take echinacea if you suffer from allergies.


Eggshells are very rich in calcium and act as an excellent antacid so they alleviate stomach cramps and heal peptic ulcer. However, do not take excessive amount as it may causeconstipation.


Likes cool climates with moist and acidic soil and full sun. The plant only bears Fruit after three years. Collect the berries. Blueberry is recommended for rheumatism and arthritis, It is good against diabetes and typhoid fever. It contains potassium and vitamins A and C.

However, avoid eating the leaves; due to their high level of tannin, they can cause constipation and anaemia; they may also damage the liver.

Oat and barley bran

Oat bran and barley bran contain soluble fibres, which lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels; they relieve constipation and prevent intestinal cancer. However, remember to drink plenty of water while eating bran to avoid intestinal blockage.


Also known as marigold since Roman time, is a beautiful self-seeding plant bright orange or yellow. Calendula purifies the blood and is very good to treat problems related to menstruation and haemorrhoids. Infused in almond oil or cooked in vegetable oil, it is excellent against skin diseases. Do not forget to try the beautiful flowers in salads. Calendula contains carotenoids, which are soluble in fats.


All orange fruit and vegetables are antioxidants; they protect against cancer and tumour; and they boost the immune system. Carrots are excellent against colic, diarrhea, typhoid fever, gastro-enteritis, and dysentery. They contain beta-carotene.

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